just a lil question


Active Member
ok well...ive did germinating growing and just planting but ended up getind owned by wind hardcore at about knee high soo i just started some new seeds in the soil i just got two plastic planting containers and filled with decent fluffy ground soil seems ok...but i put a seed in each container about half an inch and gave some water and now are sitting inside Do You Think They Will Grow Nice- before i germinated this time i didnt
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Active Member
my soil is kinda muddy like...i duno about it if i didnt have a dui and everything wast gay as hell in this town id go get me some manure and miracle grow potting soil i think i will im in nebraska is it gettin to late?


Well-Known Member
dont cheap out on soil .. or just dont get miraclegro .. but ur plants will grow and just wont have all too much yield on them


Active Member
i just had some decent herb mid fluffs and i got some ok seeds out of it thats what im growing this should be ok shouldnt it? i mean i no its not guna be hella bomb or nutin


Active Member

what do u guys think the best seeds are to grow fast

and which seeds do u think are best for yield... cheers


Well-Known Member
early riser or early girl finish pretty early in an outdoor season. alot of strains will grow quickly depending on ur conditions. flowering times vary however.


Active Member
Iv never had good luck with thoes peat pellet
they dry out too fast
dude.. they dry out hella fast u are right ..i left for 2 days and ccame back and were dry as shit and 2 my plants were dead as hell but two were lokin prty ok but still dry as it gets i guess il have to just watch them