Just a question I'd like everyone to answer out of curiosity...


Well-Known Member
That whole script thing fucking amazes me. WHen I read how its so easy I couldnt stop smiling. Why cant the whole USoffuvckinA do that? Thats the coolest thing ever..."caregiver"..."donations"....how the fuck did you guys in Cali pull this off?


Well-Known Member
just saying...

Im a police officer..

Ha Ha Ha joke.. no im a painter and decorator, hardly any work about at all, hence why im working for a lower wage poainting an old run down mill for a millionaire, the job is shit, and very dangerous, but pays the bills, and i got a great view from the roof of the mill, and thats about the only good point about the job

I also buy cheap cars off of ebay, take them home strip all the parts off then scrap the shell, and sell all the parts on ebay, i do quite well with that sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna go up on the roof on monday and take some north east south & west pics, you can see my whole town from the top of the building lol


Well-Known Member
well you get your script for whatever reason, headaches, insomnia, back pain etc etc... Then youre allowed to grow(youre allowed like 6 mature plants, no one pays attention to that number though). Im a caregiver for a few people, meaning Im allowed to grow their weed too. I dontae weed to clubs to distribute among patients, and they make a donation of cash to me.
Your talking non-sense, ya might want to educate youself on prop 215 and sb 420 before you try teaching others. :fire:


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't that be funny if I said I was an Armchair Magickian and an amateur Metaphysics theorist....haha the thought, huh?


Well-Known Member
i ran a 600 seat telemarketing center for a few years tons of young girls worked for me mostly minorities grrrrrrr :) and we paid very well here in the usa but they created laws that killed the whole industry.

callcenter bro. dont pay alot.but theres alot of FINEASS chicks that love callcenters.


Well-Known Member
i ran a 600 seat telemarketing center for a few years tons of young girls worked for me mostly minorities grrrrrrr :) and we paid very well here in the usa but they created laws that killed the whole industry.

DUDE! If you know what you are doing you can start your own B2B telemarketing business and make big bucks! Just put an ad on Craigs list.

Look for a couple small business that can not afford a full time sales person.

People HATE making telemarketing calls and they will pay a good rate to keep from having to do it.