Just a question I'm not sure about


Active Member
I was just wondering about my plants. They have been flowering for a few weeks, about three, their starting to loose their leaves and some bud is forming.

But does that mean I wont get a high yeild, because it is happening so early and the buds are really small?

I know it may be a stupid question, it is just my first time and I seem to have a black thumb.

Thanks a lot.


Well-Known Member
Relax. You generally won't see the burst of growth for another week or two.

Just took these shotz last night . . . 3 weeks in, DogPaint (ChemDog forced hermie bastard bitch clone)
I'm using hps for the 1st time and expected faster myself . . . but am seeing a surge now (day 22) that I suspect will become a burst?

Three week pics (11-1)



Active Member
Thanks for your input. I guess only time will really tell then about how much mine yeild. But I will thankful for any amount I get off them. Your plants look great, they seem a little farther along then mine right now.
How much light do you use on them?

Thanks again. :peace: