Just a reminder TODAY Is MLKs birthday

Kite High

Well-Known Member
so go ahead and say something else to demonstrate your immaturity

and while your at it come fix my roof laborer bitch...I am 48 and been retired 9 years and will only be broke ever if the economy tanks and the dollar reduced to nothing ...but then I have plenty of armament water food and gold....My daughter has more money than you and she is 9...punk


New Member
so go ahead and say something else to demonstrate your immaturity

and while your at it come fix my roof laborer bitch...I am 48 and been retired 9 years and will only be broke ever if the economy tanks and the dollar reduced to nothing ...but then I have plenty of armament water food and gold....My daughter has more money than you and she is 9...punk
your old and weak ... I would rip your jaw off your head and you would never talk shit to me in real life old man...


Well-Known Member
actually I built the car from the ground up and theres nothing common about my mustang.. and its obvious you know nothing about mustangs. Im 27, workout all the time and I have a great job running a roofing crew... im not some nigger loving hippie fag like the op and his two boyfriends.

"Im 27, workout all the time and I have a great job running a roofing crew.."

<golf clap>

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Cheated on his wife with other men. Stole his doctorial thesis. All the while praising the family and integrity. No wonder liberals love him!


Active Member
If I wanted to discuss weird people's sexuality, I'd discuss you and your "wife's" relationship.

Finished spamming? I bet it's lots of other people's birthdays today too, who gives a shit about MLK or Rawn Paul?

What relevance do either have nowadays?
Should have said what relevance does chesus rice have nowadays and you would have ko'd the thread

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
see this shit?

this shit is why MLK shouldnt have his own day.

those people ruin everything, even a monday.


New Member
MLK was killed when he spoke out on vietnam, MLK also spoke out on the federal reserve, MLK was also against racism, MLK would of voted for Ron Paul, I wrote an entire peice on that here that became a longass thread if I do recall correctly.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
MLK was killed when he spoke out on vietnam, MLK also spoke out on the federal reserve, MLK was also against racism, MLK would of voted for Ron Paul, I wrote an entire peice on that here that became a longass thread if I do recall correctly.
Does this look familiar?

"&#8220;We, Negro Americans, sing with all loyal Americans:
My country &#8217;tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the Pilgrims&#8217; pride
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring!
That&#8217;s exactly what we mean &#8211;
from every mountain side, let freedom ring.
Not only from the Green Mountains and White Mountains
of Vermont and New Hampshire;
not only from the Catskills of New York;
but from the Ozarks in Arkansas,
from the Stone Mountain in Georgia,
from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia
&#8211; let it ring not only for the minorities of the United States,
but for the disinherited of all the earth &#8212;
may the Republican Party, under God, from every