just added two to the flower room


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
bongsmiliemy last two plants from the freeze. they woke up to 12/12 today. what u think. thems my indica(ish)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
thank you. i used to sleep in the same room.i was just separated by plastic. smelled awesome in their.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
thanks a lot. i found the 1000wtt hps is perfect for 6 monster plants. all i can have is 6 plants so i want the most i can get. that's why i vegfor 8 weeks, and cut my clones so i get this so i don't have to top any of my plants. this is the one in flower right now with all those tops.
just something i've been trying the last couple times i have cloned

"let it burn"

Well-Known Member
its about time that you put the other 2 girls in flower. what are you trying to grow some redwood trees??? looking good. you should come up and check out my girl and look at the 5 or 6 tops im going to get without topping.