Just another DIY COB build

the keepers thus far. ethos collective blackfire and ethos collective harambe. there are still a couple more keeper phenos of harambe in there but just waiting to see how they progress. this one is a monster. super branchy and dense nugs everywhere. even has some colors coming in too.

first pic is blackfire, second is harambe
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out of the six harambe i had 4 different phenos. ALL of them look to be keepers for different reasons. out of the 5 or 6 citral flo i had 3 different phenotypes. i am keeping a mom from each to decide which ones to keep after they get tested. i ended up with one blackfire keeper from the previous round that i absolutely love. she will be with me for a while. out of the two quattro kush there was two VERY different phenos, both of which look dank in their own respects but dont seem to be very good yielders unless they are late bloomers in which case they could turn out to be OK yielders at best. smells and trichome production are awesome on EVERYTHING. 3 of the citral flo look to be more or less commercial producers of big sticky gooey buds but they dont seem to be the most trichome dense if that makes much sense.

i kept one of everything and wont make my final pass or fail grades until they have been lab tested. i will post up the results when i get them. i am extremely excited to run my chem d cookies under the COBs and see how they perform. that plant has it all. Bag appeal, smell and a stone that will cross your eyes. its a thing of dreams(or nightmares for some lol)
the first two are two different phenos of citral flo and then two angles of a blocky quattro kush that smells like garlic. all is well in the land of ethos. i got keepers from every strain i ran. some more than one. only the lab results/patients will decide who stays and who goes :)

flushing begins in 5 days and i will do so for a week since they are getting fed pretty hot.
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thanks! have them all chopped and hung in my cure tent. got a humidifier and a carbon filter set to keep everything at 60% for 2 weeks and then they will get trimmed. they all looked fantastic except one or two plants that i am not keeping. i would say three to four oz a piece x17. i definitely think i broke the GPW mark. these things are SOLID. considering each rig is only pushing 600w for a total of 1200 over a 4x8 i think they are killin it. gonna try out a DE 1000w CMH at my new build to test them out but other than that i think i am COB only for the foreseeable future :)
laying out my plans on the floor. theres room for 8 4x8 tables(4 rows of two) im not actually using tables but just as a size reference. just got power and water turned on. AC is getting serviced to make sure its tip top. building reinforcements/security will go up once those are done. still have to install some chain link around the back exit door. should start gettting exciting real soon. meanwhile the plants are ever vegging and getting big and ready for their new home. my expense list has grown exponentially lol.

my numbers are gonna be off. some of my biggest colas have mold :( not enough airflow in the dry tent. brings a tear to my eyes and makes my stomach hurt lol. i will diligently look through everything but it seems to be just in a few of the biggest tops. lesson learned. moving on now. i at least know what strains i want to keep and will select my mothers accordingly.


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fucking done! a couple plants went straight to the hash pile(bad genetics) and i lost quite a few of the monster colas to mold. i learned many important lessons this round and i hope to never repeat the same mistakes again. i definitely have plenty of keepers to choose from now. i have multiple Harambe keepers. one quattro kush, a couple citral flo(even though they are mold susceptible) and one blackfire. all in all i think i am done pheno hunting for a while. i have a few more seeds starting and ready to test soon but other than that i am done for a while. i will still buy more beans and save them but i am done playing around until im established at the new grow site and can relax a bit.

i cant wait to test out the new light systems......im picking up some DE 1000w setups to test out and play around with. EVERYTHING gets scrogged next round. gonna be big pots of rockwool with drippers until i build my new hydro system.

my weights for this grow are gonna be way off with losing most of my tops and tossing a couple whole plants to the hash pile. added everything up and with everything accounted for(i averaged the plant numbers and added them back in for the uncounted ones) i am sitting at .7gpw this is lower than what i had hoped for but all things considered it is still better than i have done with HPS on plants that yield 1.25 lbs each. on the second round with the clones of the keepers and properly scrogged i expect to nearly double my yield. stay tuned for the new grow site, and a proper run!

this picture is missing a half gal mason and a quart jar as well. i'll get some finished shots up later. im burned out right now. IMG_2088.JPG
3 days difference under the LEDs. WOW. i went out of town for 2 days so i finally stopped being lazy and set up the drip system and they BLEW UP with regular feeding intervals every 3 hours. these will get transplanted and then flowered in the next two weeks. still setting up the new building. IT guy is wiring up security/network tomorrow and then its full speed ahead!!
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ok everyone, got my lab tests back and the results are as follows-
Quattro Kush- 23.29% max active THC, Total Cannabinoids- 26.22%
Harambe #5- 25.62% max active THC, Total Cannabinoids- 28.91%
Black Fire- 14.76% max active THC, Total Cannabinoids- 16.57%
Harambe #3- 17.20% max active THC, Total Cannabinoids- 19.26%
Harambe #1- 23.25% max active THC, Total Cannabinoids- 25.88%
Chem D Cookies- 26.93% max active THC, Total Cannabinoids- 30.20%

super happy with the results. still have a few more to test in the next round.