Just applied hydrogen peroxide...I'm guessing over watering bud rot. Diagnosing a sick plant.


Well-Known Member
Shitcan the Hydrogen peroxide . It is used in gardening to help oxygenate soil but if you iver do it , it will cause issues. Its an anti fungal additive but It kills the myco ( beneficial bacteria ) in the soil also if over done.

I would say if they are already watered or over watered JUST let them recover on their own.
Dont try to guess and add a bunch of stuff on to an already stressed and sick plant.
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Well-Known Member
What do you think is wrong? Bud rot...I'm guessing from over watering. Just made the 12/12 flip three days ago.how do you all recommend to fix these Herbs. Real growers only!!!

This surely is a root issue. Either you've seriously over-watered them or they've developed root rot....probably a combination of both.

Your best bet is to stop watering them and hope. Root rot is devastating when its progressed this far. I've seen huge healthy plants destroyed in a matter of days.

The one plant that looks dead, I would remove it from the grow room. Keep it isolated and change the conditions (less watering).

I have my fingers crossed for you, but doesn't look good.

In the future, SAR inducers do a great job of helping fight against these things.
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Well-Known Member
You shot with HPS I think. Can't see too well. They look droopy to me. I can tell you from experience that plants will get droopy when u over water them. If you just flipped, why not flip back and stop watering for a little and see if u can straighten them out.