just as i thort it was going good.......


This is my fisrt time growing..
My plants are have just ended there 2nd week of veg and im having a few problems...
Im getting small yellow tips on the leafs so ive started to flush with warter.
Plants were toped bout 3days ago..
1. Also have burn marks on some leafs..should these leafs be cut of as they have new nodes?
2, Have my plants under 1 600w light at the minit but have 2 more 600w set up ready..is 1 lite enuff at this time?
3. I have no exhaust fan or intake turned on...should i have them on or not?
4. my temp is around 78 - 80 and humidaty around 65 - 70%..is this ok ?
5. in the first picture of the single plant would you say it needed triming in any way?
Needs as much feed back as poss because bein new to this i am now stuck with wat to do next..
Hope my pics help you 2 diagnose
SORRY bout some of the pics..




Active Member
the yellow tips look like nute burn. cut down ur nutes to half strength. your humidity also sounds a little high, if u can get that down to the 40-50% range it'll stop powder mouldy mildewy stuff (white) developing. i'd leave the leaves on, apart from topping i wouldn't trim until you are just about to go into 12/12 and then u only trim to allow the light to access as many bud sites as possible. leaves are the engine room/lungs chop each one reluctantly.


Do the intake or exhuarst fan need to be on at this time
Ive been told they dont need to be on till 12/12

thank for advise


Well-Known Member
Do the intake or exhuarst fan need to be on at this time
Ive been told they dont need to be on till 12/12

thank for advise
You want air exchange...you don't want the same air in your tent all the time, so turn the fans on.

What is your medium? What kind of soil is that? Is it prenuted nice black nutrient rich soil? If so you don't need to give it any nutrients yet...you can just water it when it needs water(when the soil is DRY) :D


Well-Known Member
OK nice 1

im useing special mix
is the temp a bout right or does it need to be lower
temp is good, you'll see it drop a little bit with the fans on, but as long as its right around 75F during the "day", then around 65F at "night" that's an excellent temp variation :)


I'm useing Dutch master grow A&B with add27 then
zone and silca
gona use Dutch master flower A&B in flower stage
im warterin when the soils dry bout an inch or two down
does this sound about right to you
sould I use nutes very time I warter them or use plain
warter somtimes