Just as you yanks are starting to enjoy medical and legal


Moderate to heavy levels of the "drug" from smoking "half a joint", there is the bullshit right there. I would be willing to bet her death had NOTHING to do with cannabis, she has been a smoker for years, half a joint isn't just going to suddenly kill her....I call bullshit.


Well-Known Member
ok ? so if you talk to any er doctor . they will tell you they get people all the time in there with chest pains or heart out of wack beats this is very common. any health condition at all and you do any drug can kill you for me even take an over the counter cold medicine would more then likely kill me . so would they pull the cold medicine off the shelf ? hell no.


Active Member
They have absolutley no basis to blame cannabis for her death. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome exists. People die from undiagnosed heart conditions all the time, but people will buy this bs and let the govt use it as more fukin propaganda.. i hate this place.


Well-Known Member
As I recall four-and-a-half years ago, England is the same country that fired its chief drug policy advisor, David Nutt, for telling the truth about marijuana, saying horseback riding is more dangerous.

As for the paper or website that published this bullshit, organize a boycott of it and its advertisers.

Seriously, whether it's Britain, Canada, the U.S., Australia -- wherever -- it's time to inflict some economic pain on those who perpetuate this crap. Let's consider the "boycott Hershey products" exercise a few years ago a lesson on how to do this -- and this time make sure that every f*^cker that that spreads these lies pays a steep price -- economically, politically, etc.

Another move I'd like to see -- since bible bangers are often behind this crap, and the exorbitant tax rates I'm seeing for legalized weed in Colorado (nothing more than a tax grab by these puritanical f*%kers) -- no more tax exempt status for churches. It`s time to piss in their cereal. Let`s turn the tables on these c*?ksuckers and put them on the defensive.


Well-Known Member
Not to be morbid but damn she was hot.

I don't buy that fuckin story. It had to do with other factors. Allergies something. Just as prescribed medical poisons (I mean pills ) . There is always an allergy awareness. Just because cannabis is very tolerable not everyone can have the same thought of having the same tolrence as the next person.

It's not cannabis at fault. Rather the poor practice of detection and records from medical institutions.



Well-Known Member
Can anyone say preexisting condition? If cannabis killed people, myself and about a third of ths population of the U.S. would be dead.


Well-Known Member
Don't know what to tell ya' man.

I don't understand the logic behind a lot of the decisions made on your island, but I reckon the same can be said for any foreign land.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Not to be morbid but damn she was hot.

I don't buy that fuckin story. It had to do with other factors. Allergies something. Just as prescribed medical poisons (I mean pills ) . There is always an allergy awareness. Just because cannabis is very tolerable not everyone can have the same thought of having the same tolrence as the next person.

It's not cannabis at fault. Rather the poor practice of detection and records from medical institutions.

images-24.jpeg...........shes hottest coldest lady ive ever seen!