Just BARELY starting


Hi guys, I am Michael. Very new to this hobby, or whatever you would like to call it. Pretty excited though, none the less. I have been reading a lot (with much more to read in the future as planned) and have clearly decided to give this grow a shot. I found almost all these materials lying around the house, but I do intend to upgrade anything and everything, if budget permits. I am really looking forward to your suggestions, by the way!

I started germing a couple seeds 2 days ago. I read a method of putting them in soaked paper towels, throwing them in a mason jar and putting them in the dark for a few days. I gave it a shot and well, it happened quite rapidly.

I am going with a closet grow, trying to be sly and all. I have a decent space, 4'x2', with up to 7ft in height available. I bought a hygrometer for humidity and temp of course, and temp has been consistently between 78* and 81*, lows of 74 and highs of 82. I found a shop light just lying around in wicked awesome shape, and bought 4'tubes to start. Right now it is 2 - 40watt tubes, standard daylight i believe...i can't quite recall.

Anyhow, I have water available thats been sitting out for some time to filter out some of the shtuffs...you know. I've looked into solutions and pH testing stuff and well, I really need help deciding what would be the best course to go there.

As far as soil, my parents had a GRIP of the miracle gro sitting around. I've read mixed reviews on it but, for now it is what i have.

Where i am now: 1 seed has been planted...just put it in the soil today. Yup.bongsmilie


Please be gentle, i am a total noobie! Haha.

Can't wait for all the info.



Off the top of my head, im honestly not too sure. I had a few good smokes from a buddy of mine and he handed off some seeds for me to give it a shot. Any suggestions? I am seeking the CFL route.


Thank you :)

I am right now only looking to get 1 serious plant going (more to come, right now its a learning experience). Would an 80watt 5000k full spectrum CFL be a good place to start?


So i finally got my 85watt bulb in, have done some more research and am looking to do it right..hopefully. This test run did not end well, pretty sure I drowned my seeds...got a few more and will definitely try this again.

I now have fox farms ocean soil i believe it is. Bought that at the local indoor grow shop. Have the bulb as mentioned above, i have 2 fans for later use to supply some air and yah...here we go again.


Well-Known Member
From what I know Fox Farms Ocean Forest is kindof strong for seeds, I think FoxFarms has another one called "Light Warrior?" it might be better to start with while they are young, or atleast a mixture of the two... but this is all just something I read on here lol, not from experience. Try not to get shunned from this 'hobby' so quick though, you seem to be on the right track by being able to kick back right into gear after failing the first seeds, i admire that... and trust me you're going to need it lol.

I'll keep tuned for this, i'm actually on my first grow aswell... but I spent a little bit more money :P


Active Member
Best of luck to you man.

I'm bout to start my first sometime soon. I'll be following this thread n keep up with your grow


Thanks for the kind words. Ill look into the other fox farms most definitely...I had slim pickings when I got to the shop. Im going to snap some shots of the new stuffs...get you all an idea of what im working with...hold please..haha.


So this is what I am working with now. I have these clamps which were suggested, and already I am loving them (Yes, the walls are purple..ish. Gotta fix that, im thinking some poster board will do, anyway!). So I have an 85watt 5000k full spectrum fluroescent bulb above both pots, clearly. Another just hanging, waiting for a bulb there. Along the side of the closet, stood up in the corner are 2- 40watt tubes, both for daylight, 6500k. Is combining the 2 going to be ok?

Still going to grab a few fans, shortly. But yeah...starting fresh. Will see how this goes.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I can't see cause of distance.. but have you planted seeds in those pots already?? are there sprouts?? Yes you can combine those lights, but you don't need light until sprouts appear... IMO bongsmilie

And if/when there are sprouts you can have those cfls 1-2'' in away, not so far


Well-Known Member
Gotta start somewhere. But your on the right track invest in better lighting. Get a good but cheap HID light from amazon. 400e hps switchable mh... Bout 160$ but you will be amazed with results compared to cfls. I started with cfls then went to the 400w and it's excellent. Fox farms ocean forest has never gave my seedlings anything but a healthy start in life.. You will be good with that. Happy growing! :D


Maybe I can't see cause of distance.. but have you planted seeds in those pots already?? are there sprouts?? Yes you can combine those lights, but you don't need light until sprouts appear... IMO bongsmilie

And if/when there are sprouts you can have those cfls 1-2'' in away, not so far
At the time of the photos, seeds were in there. I really had the light on just for the photo..and no sprouts were present..not yet at least.

The CFL will be closer, just gotta get a few boxes or books or whatever to keep them closer to the light. Appreciate the tip



Back again with another update. It seems one seed has sprouted, and I believe it is the 3rd one I have added to soil..the latest of the bunch. Just got home from the store and thought to take a looksy and this is what was there. It seems my soil is drying out quicker than usual..i seem to be spraying it a couple times a day. I am worried about drowning this out but the soil isnt retaining as much moisture as I would hope. I check down the side of the pot a couple inches and it seems very dry. But hey, progress!

