Just been handed the holy grail!!!

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
Alright next year ill b moving into my own house after years being with the parents can't waitt!! k so its just a work in progress ill have about 50 feet by 20 feet all in the basement... Im looking to get high yields but want to make a cge type of environment and the basement door will be off limits to anyone so personal security is good. I want to fully insulate and do what ever i can to keep optimal temp in the grow room. sooo what im really trying to get at is if im looking to get as many pounds with the least amount of stress and caretaking possible what should i really consider, im open to hydro, soil, possibly huge sativas just trying to figure out what rooms i should make and how to most efficiently keep the room running..All ideas are welcome as long as their realistic:hump:

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Im also a cellar grower and I like using tents. Very controlled and totally discreet. I get about 12 oz's out of a 31.5 x 31.5 x 63 inch tent! I have another smaller one too. But, you could buy like the homebox xxl or buy two of them and have a really controlled atmosphere. I really like the tents.

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
Thank you, i was thinking mayb get 4 5 possibly 6 vert grows all different buds in each seperate room and just having a mother and veg room. make more use of the space perhaps.. idk though i got a big space to work with and i wanna make the most out of each light so nothing is waisted.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I feel like tents really maximize the light. You could get a bunch of the big ones? I think the largest homebox can hold 2 1000 watters. I have ONLY used tents though as I am not even a year into new hobby, but my friends, they have a whole room dedicated with like 4 times the plants I have and way more lights and they yield just a little more than me in my tiny tent with a 400. So, I like them. Maybe Im biased though. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
id say for the price of the multiple homeboxes, or hydro hut, or even searching for tents on ebay, you could just build the damn things in that type of space. What would you really need? 2x4's , lots of poly, screws,a staple gun, your own reflective material, etc. I built a 7x 7 sheetrocked enclosure in my garage for under 150 bucks. Its all up to you. Im not knocking on the tents, because they are probably constructed better than I would make a tent, and I do see there practical uses. For example I plan to buy a small one for my mothers, babies and clones. But with a space that large, shit you could do some reall custom shit. I did see a 1o x 1o ft tent though thats fairly huge. But you could easily make a 3 room purpetual garden with studs and poly. EVer watch any you tube videos on new construction for growing area?? Could be helpful to watch a video. YOu have alot of space I would construct a couple of 4x 8 table ebb and flo and put some light movers above it w/ 2 1000w. THAt'll give you WeIGht


Well-Known Member
That is a good idea. Then you could have it exactly the way you want it.
theve got black and white poly at the grow shops too. Im not using that right now, but it would be better than mylar and it can be tacked up with cardboard drywall shims with a t50 staple gun. You could make a bad ass tent, with that room. You need not anchor studs to the concrete with hasslesome anchor bolts. Just build a frame lean it up, like a tilt up wall built on the ground, and tack it 2 the joists above. Once you have 2 walls on a 90 degree theyll be solid. Then tack up poly to the inside, sheetrock the outside if presentation is a factor. Shit you could leave it bare. I hit my contactor buddy up for the studs. I spent like 50 bucks on the screws, sheetrock and insulation, poly. Left me way more money in my pocket for other important shit youll need. Fuck you said basement, had no access for no 1 else. Shit you could built a cple of elevated 4x 8 trays, and put reflective styrofoam around them hang lights a boom. Why not grow right out in the open in that basement.

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
Thank you for the feedback guys, yea i was def thinking of making the rooms. The only reason i want to make sepret rooms is so i can have 1 or 2 600 hps possibly a 1000hps x 600hps hanging down the center and having the rooms fully covered in mylar. Even the shelves holding them covered in it, the pots just fit into the shelves and put the mylar on the the top covering the space between the plants. Just saw the potential in vertical grows never really thought about 4x8 trays and i dont really have a reason why not to put it out in the open, just trying to get the most light to the plants. I am deffinently looking for a high yielding room though ill start off lower just getting into it then mayb after 2 or 3 harvests have the money to go all out, i can right now but i dont believe i should start off huge. I would really like to hear the ideas on the highest yielding setups though i already have my first grows planned out just thinking bout future ideas when i get the place. As long as my buds happy im happy:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

Thank you for the feedback guys, yea i was def thinking of making the rooms. The only reason i want to make sepret rooms is so i can have 1 or 2 600 hps possibly a 1000hps x 600hps hanging down the center and having the rooms fully covered in mylar. Even the shelves holding them covered in it, the pots just fit into the shelves and put the mylar on the the top covering the space between the plants. Just saw the potential in vertical grows never really thought about 4x8 trays and i dont really have a reason why not to put it out in the open, just trying to get the most light to the plants. I am deffinently looking for a high yielding room though ill start off lower just getting into it then mayb after 2 or 3 harvests have the money to go all out, i can right now but i dont believe i should start off huge. I would really like to hear the ideas on the highest yielding setups though i already have my first grows planned out just thinking bout future ideas when i get the place. As long as my buds happy im happy:bigjoint:


thats a big ass basement i hope you make the most of your space

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
thank you im just trying to get some nice yields im just thinking about going hydro and doing vertical grows maybe use soil in pots and rotate to 4 seperate rooms i really can't put my mind on it theirs just so many people on riu that are making great results from their personal favored system of growing its so hard to choose..I Appreciate all the help im recieving thank you guys for being helpful:clap:


Active Member
Whoa, slow down man. Are you going to try and go from nothing to a basement full of ganja? Is this going to be your first grow? If so, things will not happen as you plan. Save yourself a pain in the a$$ and start small. You could build 2 grow tents pretty cheaply and use one to veg, the other to flower. Work that out for a few harvests and expand.


eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
yeaaaa i no man just been doing work outside but i understand the concepts of growing i plan on doing a small closet grow soon b4 that but i got like 6 7 months till i move to that house so im just planing

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I had a basement nightmare this weekend. I live in a duplex with the basement divided by a cheap wood wall. I have two grow tents on my side, my neighbors may smell it a bit but we have a good relationship. Anyway, had a leaking pipe on their side leaking into mine. Plumber said he had to get into my side and cut out the pipe. I asked where he would be working and he told me the area which was not by my tents. He came down, and had to work right over my tents! I had them covered up with a sheet on top and no ballasts or wires showing or anything.... I heard the plumbers talking though when they were on other side and were both saying how it "reeked of weed"..... Im not gonna sweat it but I was a bit paranoid over the weekend.. what are they gonna say though, my house smelled like weed? they didnt see anything so..... I figure they must go in lots of houses that "smell" like weed... as long as nothing was visible Im not gonna worry

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
o shitttttt my bad man, best of wishes to you. You should be fine you did it up legit by covering it and hidding the tents my guess is that they'll think that your def a blazer and just remember their teenage yearsbongsmilie. I hope everything turns out fine no point in worrying anyways, my deal is when it actually happens then you worry until then its pointless time spent working yourself up when its most likely not a problem at all. What strains are you currently growing???

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
I dunno, man. If that were my basement the plumber was sniffing around in, I'd be very concerned. Think about it - some total stranger now knows you're growing dope in your basement. How comfortable do you feel with that? I know I'd be extremely uncomfortable. The first rule of security is that nobody who doesn't absolutely need to know what you're doing should know what you're doing. Nobody. Period. That's how people get busted.

Service people call in tips to the cops every day. How did these plumber guys seem? Young and cool, or old rednecks with McCain/Palin bumper stickers on the back of their truck?