Just Bought An Extra Hood!!


Active Member
I just bought a hood on ebay, Used. Here is the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sun-System-Yield-Master2-6-Air-Cool-Reflector-Grow-Light-Hood-/160993206162?_trksid=p2047675.m1985&_trkparms=aid=444000&algo=SOI.CURRENT&ao=1&asc=13&meid=6354624983536817243&pid=100012&prg=1014&rk=2&sd=151014745946&

I bought a new system a couple weeks ago. But my brother bought it off me cause his ballast died and he needed it asap. Its actually a good thing cause i need the money right now since im waiting on getting paid for my last job i did. But have any of you guys or gals used this brand before? Thanks.


Active Member
Wow no one has used this brand. I know this hood is like 4-5 years old. But i have a new Mogul socket for it if the one in it goes bad. Have a brand new 1000w switchable hps/mh ballast on the way too. Im baked right now and just like to talk i guess........


Well-Known Member
Mid range hood. Not top of the line, but not bottom either. For 45 bucks, decent deal for an air cooled hood I guess. I see allot of used ones for sale, so it's either popular, or disappointing.

I was going to buy one from a used hydro store, but I gave the guy a home made edible(caramels) and he hooked me up with a way better hood.


Active Member
starting to think that i should have bought a diff. hood. I was high this morning and didnt really look around. The hood is here in mich, and i am able to go pick it up since its close. So no shipping costs. But oh well....At least i have a hood. Better that going CFL again. No offense to fellow CFL growers....