Just bought weed riddled with bugs


Well-Known Member
Ye mate hahah i had atleast 50 in my pack, i killed atleast 30 an there was still a fuckin army

They were still alive crawling around in the bag?

If so wash clothes and take shower. Not much else you can do at this point.

I put a dead spider in the bottom of a bong hit I gave one guy back in Jr High. He started coughing it out immediately and the smoke had a yellow tinge to it. It smelled pretty bad as well. He was mad but the rest of us just laughed. Oh how I miss those days. Good times. :bigjoint: Then there was the time we gave another guy a line of foot dust one guy had filed off his feet. I didn't do that one but I did laugh. Back then I didn't trust or turn my back on any of my friends as we were all known to do some pretty rotten pranks to each other.

I have plants out on my patio right now enjoying the natural sun. I'll bring them inside put them back in my veg tent when it gets dark and put them back under light in the veg tent. I know some people say you can't just put plants in bright sun after they've been growing under indoor lighting but I do it ALL the time and have never had a problem with it.


Well-Known Member
Ye mate hahah i had atleast 50 in my pack, i killed atleast 30 an there was still a fuckin army
Sheesh. Sounds like the thread title you chose was dead-on accurate!

Better put a book on the bag; you may wake up tomorrow and see the bag crawling across the front yard.


Well-Known Member
He tried to act all shocked when he first answered me, from the ammount my batch had on it then i cant begin to imagine how many of them are crawling over his bigger batch so hes got to know. Scumbag

But i recently took my own down, regret that i sold my own. Only another 11 weeks til my next harvest hahah