just built a grow box, need cfl light bulb advice.


So I've made a growbox in my closet. It's all set to go. I have three standard light sockets hanging and ready to grow up to seven plants at a time. My question, which is the best combo of bulbs that I should use? I know I should do the HPS thing, but simply cannot afford to install a light fixture. I know cfls are the next best bet, but I don't know which combo to use that'll be best for getting as many pretty buds as possible. Thanks guys.


How big is your grow box? I keep my mother in a small one with 3 26 watt cfls. One 2700, and two 6500 and those work great. It also depends how big your box is and how many plants you are using etc...


How big is your grow box? I keep my mother in a small one with 3 26 watt cfls. One 2700, and two 6500 and those work great. It also depends how big your box is and how many plants you are using etc...
I took a 2'x1' aquarium, lined it with foil, set with seven one gallon clay pots, and a 2' square box fan attached to the side for ventilation. I have an adjustable height light system I built with three standard sockets. I was thinking two "soft white" cfl and one "daytime" of the highest wattage I can get at home depot. Think that'll work?


I took a 2'x1' aquarium, lined it with foil, set with seven one gallon clay pots, and a 2' square box fan attached to the side for ventilation. I have an adjustable height light system I built with three standard sockets. I was thinking two "soft white" cfl and one "daytime" of the highest wattage I can get at home depot. Think that'll work?

Well if you are vegging right now I would recommend two daytime cfls and one soft white, and yeah that setup sounds like it would work. Make sure you hang the lights only two to three inches above your plants.