Just call me Mrs. Green Thumb


Well-Known Member
The bottom leaves on all of my seedlings have turned purple and yellow. I think it might be p toxicity, but I fed them the normal feeding for Fox Farm's nutrients which had a 6-4-4 ratio. The plants are known for their purple tendancies, but it seems a little early, and yellow for that. Here's pics. I also attached pics of the leaves growing inbetween the nodes. Is this normal for 23 days?



Well-Known Member
Anyone have any ideas as to why the leaves are purpling underneath?? Look at the first picture... its weird! The temps stay around 70 in the room at night, so I know it's not cold weather!


Well-Known Member
Just transplanted my plants. I'm still concerned about the bottom leaves. They are yellowing now, not as purple as in the previous pictures, and there are spots of necrosis. However, they really look like they are getting better. The green is coming back. I'm just not familiar with this new strain and it's totally different than anything I can find on these forums. Take a look, the purpling is weird. Thanks guys!!



Well-Known Member
These were taken on Nov. 21'st. I just moved them into my flowering tent under a 600 watt HPS. I am giving them one more week on 18/6 under the new lights so that they can adjust before I send them into flowering. In these pics they are exactly 6 weeks old. Up until this point they were under 8, 4 ft, 40 watt, 6500 k., 2850 lumens, a piece lights. They also had 2 small 26 watt CFL's to support the sides, where there wasn't as much light.
How do they look for these conditions?
Have you grown better yields using a different light/grow setup... can you post pics?
Do you think next week is too early to flower these plants? I will post this week's pics tomorrow!



Well-Known Member
My plants have been on 12/12 for 12 days now. They are all showing signs of preflower. Just to remind you, I started wtih 12 bagseeds of my favorite strain, all taken from bags I've gotten over the past year. All 12 germinated, and low and behold, all 12 turned out to be female! Here are some updated pics. I am concerned about some nute burn / light burn (not room heat though) on some of the leaves. Any comments will be GREATLY appriciated!!!! Thanks guys! This is my first time trying to embed the pics, let me know if it doesnt work!

This is a pic of the preflowers

I trained the one over that was stretching from the begining. It now has 6 main shoots, and the original top is curing back around to make a loop.

Just some pics of the whole tent

... and my problem areas ... what do you guys think?


Active Member
nice grow you got going
the plants are looking healthy:leaf:
all females!! nice:weed:

do u plan on using mollases towards the
last couple of weeks?


Active Member
in the last pic it looks like
the leaves are cupping
it may be because of moisture stress

what is the rh(humidity) in the room?
what kind of nutes are you using?


Well-Known Member
The humidity flexuates between 25% and 35%. I was worried about overwatering. Weight and touch seem dry around every 3 days. They have been getting between 1/3 and 1/2 gal in their 2 gal. pots every 3 to 5 days. This past week, since they've kicked into flowering, they have been getting dry every 3 days. I am using foxfarm nutes, which I have backed off; plain H2O only this past week. Previously they got 2tbsp Big Bloom and 2 tsp Grow Big. I was worried about nute burn, but I have followed the foxfarm soil schedule exactly, except I delayed the start of the cycle until 3 weeks, instead of the reccomended 2 week start.

As for molassas, I have tried it, but got bugs after. I don't know if the sugar brought them in, don't know how they got in, don't even know if the molassas was related, but I got a BAD case of spider mites after two waterings with 1 tbsp molassas per gal. Honestly, the spider mites were such an annoyance, I've never tried molassas again in fear the two were related somehow.


Well-Known Member
Here are the early flowers developing. I def. think the leaves were caused by wind stress. Any other possible factors would be greatly appriciated! Thanks for looking!
