Just Cats

Alright this is a question that stumps me. Got a pic last night.

What is your cat thinking when it snears at you displaying an over sized canine? Not normal display. And for too long.

Spoiled rotten and around 20 now. Beyond docile. Confounded. TY.005.jpg
Wow….You must have quite a bond after 20 years
Was my mothers until her passing. Promised to do my best with it. I got her around 6 years ago. Hid at my mothers was not social. It claimed me in a few days and next to me if not in my bedroom. Will not jump on anything. 6 toes throw her balance. And I'm at her command. And like my dog she follows hand commands. Only issue is she talks too much.
I had a bucket of water in my grow room, somehow I forgot to close the door....

7 months old...

He can jump 6 feet already.

I'm in trouble!

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You do know they are shape shifters and teleport? Our male was 8'2" on our cabinets when it was gutted of all above the floor. It is what cats do. Predators from above.

OH! Brings @raratt to mind with the SR. Interesting association. And similar.