Just Cats

So, the kitten we adopted last summer has pretty much conquered the whole house now. She hadn’t gotten on top of the kitchen cabinets until this week but that is now her new favorite place. I assumed she finally figured it out herself but my 16-year old told me he showed her. I suggested he not cop to that fact with mom. She’s a cute little devil, but I had forgotten how insane kittens are after not having one this young in years.
Our little kitty is in heat right now and acting extra crazy. Super clingy and meowing loudly most of the day and throughout the night. Poor little girl.
We joked about her needing chocolate and a rom-com last night.
Cruddy pandemic fallout - our vet is scheduling appointments like 4-5 months out. We planned to get her spayed in December when my wife was off for break but appointments were not available until February. We scheduled the appointment for the spaying in September.
She’s finally settling down for a nap right now.