Just curious on what u guys think?


Active Member
Got some pics and wanted too see what u guys think? Some turned yellow only 2 weeks into flower and most now are doing this to there big fans at 5.5 weeks into flower. Not sure if old age or nute burn or defeciancy. Just curious is all. Ph of runoff is 6.2 and ppm 1030. feed water feed never higher than 1100ppm. Kinda weird this time though as after i feed or water its taking 5-6 days to dry out were as first round was only 3 days. And this round i used root accelerator. Although room temps down to 74 75 as compared to 78-82 last time. Also my new ones which r 2 weeks into flower look great (last pic) and i'm thinking its cuz i kept em on grow nutes till now and am just switching to bloom nutes. So hoping all the issues are nitrogen def. If not im kinda at a loss. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
it's pretty normal for the leaves to drop off and change colors at a certain flowering stage.


Active Member
Ya the last pic I threw in for comparison cuz its 2 weeks in and looks great and i kept it on grow nutes till now. Were as the ones that are 5.5 weeks in yellowed 1 to 2 weeks into flower, mostly pale yellow and fans dying fast, think it may of hurt my final yeild as they have been losing big fans for awhile. I know its normal in the last 2 weeks but this seems excessive. Still got 2.5 weeks left and some have little to no fans left and the ones that do are doing what the pics show, just not as bad. Just making sure its N def so I can correct for the future. just wasn't sure with browning and crispy ends or if thats normal being 5.5 weeks in and its the older fans? Cant think what else it would be.


Active Member
Lookin' good, nice stuff! =D

Doesn't look like any kind of burn or anything or the tips of most the leaves would start to look burnt. Seems normal, maybe try giving them a touch more flowering nute and see if it makes them green up a little. Peace. =)


Active Member
Ya they still lookin pretty good, just always looking too improve and think if i could keep yellowing at bay till the last few weeks id do a little better. Maybe i'll try bumbing up the ppm a bit, i always play it safe and try to stay under 1100 at the highest.


Well-Known Member
Ya they still lookin pretty good, just always looking too improve and think if i could keep yellowing at bay till the last few weeks id do a little better. Maybe i'll try bumbing up the ppm a bit, i always play it safe and try to stay under 1100 at the highest.
they look good, dont start changing things now.