Here is a interesting link to the Irish terrier breeds
The four Irish Terrier breeds from Ireland, have a long history of proving themselves as working dogs. They were originally “jacks of all trades” and all descend from the same root stock. They were every Irish farmers right hand man and were used for vermin control, hunting, guard duties, farm...
My Da used to keep and show Irish terriers when I was a child.
Always remember him saying as they got older they became very cantankerous.
My Da said to me one day away n feed the dog so I went to top of the garden with its bowl of grub and set it down beside it.
As it tucked into it's food I proceeded to pull the dog's tail lol The dog just looked back at me a couple of times and carried on eating, I walked off down to the house and was talking to a friend next door.
Couple minutes later Barney came dandering down the garden, looked at me then bit me on the knee....

Think he was sayn That'll teach you! Never done that again lol
I haven't seen an Irish Terrier about in years now or a Glen of Imaal. Quite rare breeds.
Years ago everybody had a dog where I was brought up. Heinz 57 varieties roaming the streets, Wee dogs, Big dogs, lots of black dogs, brindle ones all mongrels, brilliant childhood memories. Dog shite everywhere
Now they're few and far between.
I know a family not far from here who breed and show Kerry Blues.
They've won at Crufts recently. Which is nice.