What kind of beast is that ANC?
A wet possum . Very wet .
It's legal in some states and idiots do it. It has razor sharp needle point teeth and it's a wild animal. Somehow people invite it into the house and let it snuggle up to them like a puppy or kitten. I deal with them pretty frequently as they like my deck at night. Here's one I just released recently. He's cute in the cage but no chance it is going to be a pet.Do people keep possum as pets or is that just a bad experience happening?
I'd runaway from home and just stay there.I would work at a place like this in a minute...
We got a picture of the pup we should be able to take home 2 weeks today from the breeder. He’s gonna be a BIG BOY and I’m so happy right now.
View attachment 5243719
Golden Retriever ? Gonna wait to name him until you meet him ? He's a good looking boy !
He is indeed an English Golden Retriever. Looks like he will also be named Buddy, like the last one. The name works so well for them, as people usually start with “Hey Buddy, what’s your name?”
Yup ! My little dudes name is Jake , but he only hears it when he won't listen which is hardly ever . It's always Buddy , Bud , Boo Boo , Pork Butt ....