just dogs


  • Sit

    Votes: 41 16.1%
  • Fetch

    Votes: 46 18.0%
  • Belly Scratchers

    Votes: 81 31.8%
  • Dog Farts

    Votes: 69 27.1%
  • Leg Humps

    Votes: 28 11.0%
  • Cookie? Good boy..

    Votes: 58 22.7%
  • @Ceasar Milan, Fuck you!

    Votes: 104 40.8%

  • Total voters


Virtually Unknown Member
By law, the handlers are supposed to be the first in line to adopt their discharged dog. The bonds these human and canine soldiers form in war are deep and profound...heartbroken veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan are still searching for their long-lost dogs while those responsible aren’t even publicly shamed, let alone fined or prosecuted. The DoD’s final report on the matter will be published March 30, 2018. There’s still time to call or write every member of the House Committee on Armed Services and demand more

Click on the picture of your Rep for email. The Ranking member and Chairman won't take emails unless your Zip is in their district.


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Well-Known Member

Ever turn your back for a min an then find that someone else was sneaking a lap of your drink?

View attachment 4114070
No but I had an Australian Cattle Dog who wasn't above stealing food right out of your hand if you didn't pay attention.

I was still crushed when she died, every time I ate something and she wasn't there to stare at it.


Well-Known Member
When we met my wife had a border collie that was very smart and sweet too.

I trusted that dog with my life but never around food. Fucker would steal the sandwich off of your plate in the blink of an eye if you were not paying attention.

He had a sweet tooth too. If it had sugar in it you had better not leave it out on the countertop.

Most of the problem stemmed from the fact that the kids would put their plates on the floor and let him clean up whatever was left on it. I did not agree with this practice but there was little I could do or say about it.

When your after a MILF the kids get away with murder.:wink:

Swift and sneaky he was.:cool:


Well-Known Member
My last Siamese would "cackle" when someone knocked at the door, one night shortly after moving into a new home, he "cackled without a knock, I opened the door to see 3 deer and then him chasing after them. After heart surgery I would do two laps around the block, he would always walk beside me, but only for one lap! always waiting at the front door.
He would always welcome us home by rolling once on the floor (more of a stretch to limber up for feeding) It was cute to have people enter in with me I would say "Hey roll over, roll over"


Well-Known Member
My last Siamese would "cackle" when someone knocked at the door, one night shortly after moving into a new home, he "cackled without a knock, I opened the door to see 3 deer and then him chasing after them. After heart surgery I would do two laps around the block, he would always walk beside me, but only for one lap! always waiting at the front door.
He would always welcome us home by rolling once on the floor (more of a stretch to limber up for feeding) It was cute to have people enter in with me I would say "Hey roll over, roll over"
Mine would take walks as well... put her on a leash and it turned into a drag vs walk.
She actually liked car rides. She would climb in all the time and off we would go, she loved it. One of my other cats tried a car ride... that didn't go well at all. lol.