This really hits home for me . I'm my little dudes 5th human . He was born in Puerto Rico and brought to the States . From what I was told his first 3 years were horrible , beaten , kicked down stairs , etc...
He was given to a woman who had him for a month or two before giving him away because he was "too affectionate" . She couldn't take all the kisses . The next woman had him a few months and said "he humps everything" . Well lady , he still had all his equipment and you didn't give him any attention .
He then ended up with my niece who had him neutered and took good care of him, but he had no structure because she is a very busy woman .
5 1/2 years ago he ended up with me anD it was kismet . I wouldn't give him up for a million bucks . A real million, not just a phrase .
Every day I love him more than the last ! He's a totally different dog than when I took him in . My soul dog .
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A good visit with little dudes Vet today . The growth on his leg has shriveled up to nothing on it's own , she said when they do that they're always benign so he won't need surgery now !
He's 3 weeks on his heart meds now and we're getting him on a special diet . He actually ate it tonight , I couldn't believe it cause he's spoiled rotten . She said we caught his heart problem early and he has a good chance at living a normal life span .
I'm looking at making his food myself now so I can keep spoiling him with variety . He has an echocardiogram on 9/12 and we'll know the whole story then , maybe tweak his meds a bit .
Fingers crossed cause I love the shit outta the little monster .