Just finished my setup! Comments Please


I actually went to walmart and it took me a while but I finally found they blankets. They were like 2.97 a piece so I bought them all for future use. Lol


Well-Known Member
How do they wire up though? Regular power cord or do I need to do some soldering (which I don't mind)?
No need to solder just marrette the whites to white on an extension cord and black to black. If you want just one wire powering two or three strips buy a electrical junction box and run multiple wires from fixtures into that and one wire to timer out of box. just remember white to white and black to black and on the extension cord plug (male) the bigger of the two prongs is the white I believe but you may want to confirm that as it kinda matters if changing a bulb with the power on lol.


Here is the final pics. Just added 4 more CFL's. 2 on each end. Now there is a total of 10 CFL's and a T5. The exhaust fan is in the pics now. Also I cleaned up the wires. Looks way better. Temps are 81 degrees with 52% humidity. Shoot. Just realized I forgot to put the mylar back on that side where the exhaust fan is. Woops.

