Just found a male. help! plus rep


Well-Known Member
so i just found out one of my feminized church seeds turned into a male or hermied. my lights have been switched to flower for almost two weeks now and most of my plants were showing preflowers before the flip. the church i could of sworn was a female and all my plants have recently this week started to show budsites. I hadnt checked on them closely for about 3 days, but this morning it was def noticeable that the one church was a male. it had balls all over it. i immediately removed it as delicately as possibly and disposed of it. my question now is that do you think the rest of my plants will be affected and turn hermie? i would be so bummed out. i dont know how long it takes for the male to affect all the other plants. it didnt look like any of the seed pods or balls had exploded open. im so upset because all my seeds were supposed to be feminized. damn greenhouse seeds. anyone have any suggestions or guesses if ill be ok? i went back to check to fully make sure all my other plants were females and they def are. i checked for signs of hermieing and other possible sets of balls and was unable to find any. thanks for all your help

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
A male (or a hermie) doesn't affect any other plants except if it pollinates them - it certainly cannot make another plant turn hermie.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
When I do large amounts of seedlings(because of strain separation) in my F&D system I pull males at first sight and never has this effected the females. You just have to pull them before they develope. I take one clone from each of the females asap as well for mothering purposes.


Well-Known Member
so 3-5 days of catching it i should be alright? like i said it was covered in balls. i dont know how i didnt see it sooner. its like it exploded in balls overnight, i didnt even think that was possible for them to form that fast


Well-Known Member
As long as one didn't drop and open than yes you'll be fine. It can happen as short as 2 days for a pollen sac to form and open under good conditions so noone can be positive.


Well-Known Member
Sucks when this happens..but what can you do...get rid of the fucker....happy growing...


Well-Known Member
thats the risk u take growin fem seeds, always gonna b hermie, and u paid big bucks too,pull the male flowers off and enjoy ur smoke, and burn any seeds u find, theyll jus b hermie. good growin


Well-Known Member
I thought that to make fem seeds you turned a female hermi by stress and fertilized it's sister w/ the pollen. :o
All Y chromosomes can only make female seeds. No x chromosomes to make male seeds. (or did I get that backwards?)

Did the plant with balls have any hairs too?:shock:

I however am no expert on this.
but thats what I read here somewhere.

Someone with real experience please help sow217 out on this....

Good luck

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Plants generally become hermie due to stress, it is the plants "preservation of the species" response to whatever is threatining the health of the plant.

Different plants can handle different levels/types of stress before turning hermie.

If you create feminised seeds by stressing your mother plant into producing pollen, you have a plant that is obviously susceptable to turning hermie through stress.

This is exactly the sort of plant that you don't want to use for feminised seeds ... unless you like hermie plants, as the offspring will have the same reaction to stress as the mother.

You need to find a plant that you can stress the fuck out of without it producing a single male flower ... that will be a great mother to make feminised seeds from as it will not produce stress induced hermies.

You need to use a substance like Gibberalic Acid or Colloidal Silver (easy and cheap to make), applying either will cause the plant to produce male flowers - no stress is involved.

The seeds produced by either self pollinating with the pollen or by using the pollen on another plant (sister plant or even another strain) will be feminised, and they will not produce hermie plants (as the mother was not susceptable to being a stress induced hermie).

Seed breeders certainly don't stress plants to produce feminised seeds because it produces seeds that carry the hermie trait, and chemically treating the mother plants is easier, quicker, more controlled and the seeds produced do not produce hermies.

Bad growers can generally turn any female plant hermie, and they ALWAYS blame the seed because no one admits to being a fucktard.


Well-Known Member
Plants generally become hermie due to stress, it is the plants "preservation of the species" response to whatever is threatining the health of the plant.

Different plants can handle different levels/types of stress before turning hermie.

If you create feminised seeds by stressing your mother plant into producing pollen, you have a plant that is obviously susceptable to turning hermie through stress.

This is exactly the sort of plant that you don't want to use for feminised seeds ... unless you like hermie plants, as the offspring will have the same reaction to stress as the mother.

You need to find a plant that you can stress the fuck out of without it producing a single male flower ... that will be a great mother to make feminised seeds from as it will not produce stress induced hermies.

You need to use a substance like Gibberalic Acid or Colloidal Silver (easy and cheap to make), applying either will cause the plant to produce male flowers - no stress is involved.

The seeds produced by either self pollinating with the pollen or by using the pollen on another plant (sister plant or even another strain) will be feminised, and they will not produce hermie plants (as the mother was not susceptable to being a stress induced hermie).

Seed breeders certainly don't stress plants to produce feminised seeds because it produces seeds that carry the hermie trait, and chemically treating the mother plants is easier, quicker, more controlled and the seeds produced do not produce hermies.

Bad growers can generally turn any female plant hermie, and they ALWAYS blame the seed because no one admits to being a fucktard.
Thanks for the correction.
Love this site as I have learned so much form a bunch O stoners.

Really + rep


Well-Known Member
why dont the seed companies offer u a money back garantee if their Fem seeds wont turn hermy, because they cant!. plants stressed by lite, heat, or chemicals will produce male flowers that produce hermy seeds. if you can produce female seeds that wont turn herm , congradulations, u r goin to be very very rich. what they say is u will get female plants, and thats what u will get.if they say it mite" carry a herm trait," they would not sale any, seeds, espicially to a new grower.