Just found out my two girls are - gasp! - Boys!


Active Member
They were outdoor plants, and since I have some seeds left over (bag seed, :sad:) I'm thinking of trying to get some new plants going under some lights before it's too late. I figure I have about 6 - 8 weeks at least of growing time. Am I wasting my time? Is that a long enough time period to get something going?




Well-Known Member
Yeah I noticed from your comment about putting them in lights that I knew you were talking about indoors. Anyways like mr2shim had said, you can grow indoor all year. When you say grow time I am guessing you mean vegging time? They are going to double in size for flowering keep that in mind. If you have the space then go for it.


Active Member
i say grow time, because although I have plenty of space for them, the space is above the unheated garage. By November/December I imagine it will be too cold to do much