Just got a kitten


Well-Known Member
My friends cats had kittens a while ago and they were finally old enough to go off to new homes, so I took one for my girlfriend. right now it's meowing a lot and I think it's because of it's litter...I only have the top of a shoe box filled up with it and there isn't much. it was in there earlier digging around, does it need a certain amount of litter to be satisfied? I don't want it to be sad :cry:


Well-Known Member
its not litter but the box should be big enough to easily hold the cat, the lil bugger is missing mom and the rest he/she will forget all about em after the first few naps.


kittens meow...a lot... for no apparent reason

sure is cute though


New Member
How old were they? Technically, kittens aren't old enough to be away from their mommas at 6 weeks [I believe] .. It might be meowing a lot because it wasn't quite ready yet and it wants some momma's milk. they grow up really fast though.


Well-Known Member
My Mom had that litter box that scoops the poop and clumped pee out by itself ... what a trip... a $100.00 litter box ..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think Breathe is right, 6 weeks seems a little young. It may not quite know how to use a litter box yet, and might need you to act as its momma, clean its ass for it and all that. I believe that kittens are also like puppies in that for a certain period of time they actually sort of need the "licking" by their ass to stimulate them to go to the bathroom. I used to use old washclothes for that (I've hand-raised a few newborn kittens in my day).

Whenever you or anyone else who's around can, keep it tucked up into your clothes. That'll make it feel much more secure, plus it's fun.


New Member
Yeah ... I got my kitten at 4 weeks old. This is her the day I brought her home :D

She was way too young to be taken, but the shelter called me and told me that she had to be out because they had to make room. My other cats kinda took care of her and taught her how to lick herself and all.

010.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

My photobucket account got banned for having those safe for work porn pics. lmao it won't let me upload pics or copy the direct url.


Well-Known Member
Yeah ... I got my kitten at 4 weeks old. This is her the day I brought her home :D

She was way too young to be taken, but the shelter called me and told me that she had to be out because they had to make room. My other cats kinda took care of her and taught her how to lick herself and all.

010.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

My photobucket account got banned for having those safe for work porn pics. lmao it won't let me upload pics or copy the direct url.
Whoops! :lol: Cutey-patooty.

I had to hand-raise kittens for a couple of reasons, but all came back to them being accidentally separated from the queen. The first batch was a litter of three found in the bottom of a boat, the mother had queened probably the night before, because they still had their little umbilical stumps kind of wet and "new", and the boat owners took the boat early that morning. The kittens weren't discovered until the boat was in the water and it was leaking, so they started searching. Found a litter of kittens and one was already drowned, the other two barely hanging on. My sister (she was with that group) grabbed the remaining kittens and drove over 4 hours to get them to me (I'd just been fired from a job and was big as a house 7mos. pregnant).

The others we don't know how they got separated from the queen, she may have been killed by coyotes or some such. But, they were also just newborns, unopened eyes, fresh umbilical stumps, and so on.

Funny thing about all of them, once they grew older they never gave up this weird little suckling thing they'd do on my hand, in the area between my forefinger and thumb. They'd just latch on and start sucking and fall asleep that way. After a while it got kinda gross, so it had to stop. :lol:


Well-Known Member
the shoe box is sufficient but I am looking for something bigger and getting more litter after class. the reason why I don't have a litter box is because I will only have the kitten this weekend...sadly =(

I saw the kittens when they were first born and we waited six weeks before I took one. they were already running around, fighting and eating dry food. this kitten is adorable, it cuddled next to me while I was sleeping and every time I put it on the pillow on the floor, it climbed back up to the bed to cuddle by my face.

thanks for letting me know that kittens meow for no apparent reason. I'm trying to make sure every thing is safe and healthy for it. I do have one picture of it sleeping last night and I can get more later.



Well-Known Member
and it has been licking itself, I've seen it use a litter box on it's own...I think this kitten is pretty mature. it's been running around and jumping every where all morning. I have to leave for class soon so I'm going to put it in a safe room until I come back.


Well-Known Member
Aw, hell, already eating dry food? It's probably really lonely, you know, going from all these playmates to just some college dude. ;) When are you gonna spring the surprise on her?


New Member
Whoops! :lol: Cutey-patooty.

I had to hand-raise kittens for a couple of reasons, but all came back to them being accidentally separated from the queen. The first batch was a litter of three found in the bottom of a boat, the mother had queened probably the night before, because they still had their little umbilical stumps kind of wet and "new", and the boat owners took the boat early that morning. The kittens weren't discovered until the boat was in the water and it was leaking, so they started searching. Found a litter of kittens and one was already drowned, the other two barely hanging on. My sister (she was with that group) grabbed the remaining kittens and drove over 4 hours to get them to me (I'd just been fired from a job and was big as a house 7mos. pregnant).

The others we don't know how they got separated from the queen, she may have been killed by coyotes or some such. But, they were also just newborns, unopened eyes, fresh umbilical stumps, and so on.

Funny thing about all of them, once they grew older they never gave up this weird little suckling thing they'd do on my hand, in the area between my forefinger and thumb. They'd just latch on and start sucking and fall asleep that way. After a while it got kinda gross, so it had to stop. :lol:
Wow ... They are lucky they survived. Little kittens are so delicate.. They must have been troopers !

lol my kitten did the same thing .. I was afraid that it wouldn't stop, but eventually as she got older she didn't do it anymore. She was very clingy to me when I first got her.. She still kind of is, and it makes me wonder if it's just her personality or if it has something to do with being taken away from mom too early. When I first got her, she would follow me around and hop on my lap every chance she got. Now she mostly just bugs my other 2 cats.. It's the cutest thing when all 3 of them are snuggles up together on the bed. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Aw, hell, already eating dry food? It's probably really lonely, you know, going from all these playmates to just some college dude. ;) When are you gonna spring the surprise on her?

I don't think it's lonely I've been playing with it all morning, me and the kitten are homies. I asked my girlfriend if she wanted a kitten a while ago, she has six roommates and they all want a kitten too. I was going to give it to her on sunday but honestly...idk if I'll want to give it up by then.


Well-Known Member
i really want another kitty. we almost got one last week. i love little kitties.

we stole these from under the rose bush in the backyard at 2 days old. sorry 'bout the tiny pics, it's all i got.

baby boy.jpg babies.jpg


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's lonely I've been playing with it all morning, me and the kitten are homies. I asked my girlfriend if she wanted a kitten a while ago, she has six roommates and they all want a kitten too. I was going to give it to her on sunday but honestly...idk if I'll want to give it up by then.
:shock: I guess you'll need to procure another kitten, then, won't ya? :lol: