Just got kicked off Grasscity......wtf

And I'll bet money you won't find them there anymore. Most schools now just heart n serve stiff made elsewhere. 'Cost cutting', because school children don't need or deserve high quality food. :cuss::wall:
my dreams are ruined. my school had some killer food. id cut out early everyday in my senior year either because i was tired of classes or had to work. i always stuck around until lunch.
my dreams are ruined. my school had some killer food. id cut out early everyday in my senior year either because i was tired of classes or had to work. i always stuck around until lunch.
My school district used to make krautburgers, bread dough wrapped around a filling of cooked cabbage, onion, hamburger n pork. Fuck they were awesome!

So awesome in fact that I learned how to make them when I got older. Fattening and farty- fantastic!
Main reason is because they have some of the best information, knowledgeable users and great threads on a consistent basis in regard to Organically growing Marijuana. As far as Organic is concerned Rollitup is rather lacking and has rather infrequent postings / less knowledgeable members ( no offense to anyone ) on that particular subject.
you are WRONG there my man
I practically live in the organic section during shop hours, we have probably everything there is to know in regards to organics...
whats your organic question my man?
you name it, I got the answer for ya, it's a nerdery subject of mine
Hey greasemonkey I probably spoke out of turn and prematurely in regards to the amount of experience Rollitup's Organic section has. I have only been a member for a short period of time. The reason I like Rollitup so much is because there are certain members like ( LumperDawgz etc...) I have heard about and learned from when I started out that I found on Grasscity I like to follow that are extremely knowledgeable. Also I have just learned more from scrolling the Grasscity threads than I have from Rollitups threads, but maybe I have just not found the right threads. I would be happy to look at some you would recommend I am always happy to learn more. Not to knock on Rollitup or you but have you looked at the Grasscity Organic section compared to Rollitup? I just find it to be a little more diverse. That said I did post one question in the Organic section about No Till in Rollitup and got a great spectrum of knowledgeable answers so I cannot really give a full comparison quite yet I guess. Also Grasscity did kind of do me dirty by pulling that bitch shit on me and everyone in this thread has been pretty cool so im thinking ill be sticking around Rollitup for the long.
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That's the best way to do it. dont just limit your self to one web site when you need info. That's like fucking a bitch and never sticking it in her ass, why limit the possibilities.
Account gets banned > create sock account > troll, poorly > rinse +repeat. I learned that here, also how to stomp drains, and all about dicks and Mexican cooking and transvestites and flat earth and @Pinworm and racism and penis and booze and psychedelics and dicks and coffee and sleep paralysis and socialism and penis ..... Grass Shitty have any of that? I didn't think so.... maybe more penis..
Hey greasemonkey I probably spoke out of turn and prematurely in regards to the amount of experience Rollitup's Organic section has. I have only been a member for a short period of time. The reason I like Rollitup so much is because there are certain members like ( LumperDawgz etc...) I have heard about and learned from when I started out that I found on Grasscity I like to follow that are extremely knowledgeable. Also I have just learned more from scrolling the Grasscity threads than I have from Rollitups threads, but maybe I have just not found the right threads. I would be happy to look at some you would recommend I am always happy to learn more. Not to knock on Rollitup or you but have you looked at the Grasscity Organic section compared to Rollitup? I just find it to be a little more diverse. That said I did post one question in the Organic section about No Till in Rollitup and got a great spectrum of knowledgeable answers so I cannot really give a full comparison quite yet I guess. Also Grasscity did kind of do me dirty by pulling that bitch shit on me and everyone in this thread has been pretty cool so im thinking ill be sticking around Rollitup for the long.
of course my man, i'm a member there, we have a lot of the same dude here, good ole @Wetdog is a standup dude, and damn knowledgeable too
I could list about 20 growers that are very comprehensive around here, we've also lost some as well, pattahabi was a regular here and on grasscity (pattajolo?)

the biggest problem is the stickys aren't closed, so they get diluted with a lot of non-information/questions, when it'd be better if it was more as a text or reference style

As far as links? What type of organic growing do you do, or are interested in?
just like hydroponics, there are varying degrees and techniques for organics.
As for myself, i'm a compost nut, I make my own soil and it's the best shit I've ever used or seen, and it's free (mostly)
Make your own compost, make your own wormbin, and I guaran-fuckin-tee you'll NEVER grow another way after trying that.
one of the rare times in life where cheaper and free shits ALL over expen$ive
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Oh ok cool I didn't know that. Yes you have a very good point about the sticky's being closed that definitely makes a difference. I started out growing with Nutrients and then moved to using Subcools SuperSoil in the past and currently use a custom " cooked " almost Veganic SuperSoil alongside Compost Teas/Topdressings and Coconut/Kelp waterings. It would be hard to say what exactly I am looking as far a Organic is concerned because in a sense I don't know what I don't know so im always looking/scrolling through current and old threads and following knowledgeable members when I find them. I understand the whole layering/Supersoil is kind of old school and outdated but I find it works well for me and gets me the high quality smoke I am looking to achieve. I have been reading so much great info on No-Till that I am going to be trying to transition some of my 25 gallons, but because of ( physical limitations ) I have to use smaller 10 gallon pots because they are easier to move around compared to the 25's. So as far as the 10 gallons I have to use a ROLS or some type of Super Soil / Quality " cooked " mixes because they are too small for No-Till. So I am kind of in a unique situation as far as different styles is concerned. I currently have and love my worm bin for fresh castings and worms for my pots but I haven't tried much compost ( which is probably dumb ). I actually read one of your threads on Composting that I found pretty cool. As far as interests go in Organics I am really interested in learning anything and everything. My main goal is just to try and achieve the best quality smoke I can. One reason I am trying to transition to No-Till I have just heard No-Till produces some of the best tasting smoke around ( as long as drying and curing is done well of course ). Appreciate all your advice brother
Oh ok cool I didn't know that. Yes you have a very good point about the sticky's being closed that definitely makes a difference. I started out growing with Nutrients and then moved to using Subcools SuperSoil in the past and currently use a custom " cooked " almost Veganic SuperSoil alongside Compost Teas/Topdressings and Coconut/Kelp waterings. It would be hard to say what exactly I am looking as far a Organic is concerned because in a sense I don't know what I don't know so im always looking/scrolling through current and old threads and following knowledgeable members when I find them. I understand the whole layering/Supersoil is kind of old school and outdated but I find it works well for me and gets me the high quality smoke I am looking to achieve. I have been reading so much great info on No-Till that I am going to be trying to transition some of my 25 gallons, but because of ( physical limitations ) I have to use smaller 10 gallon pots because they are easier to move around compared to the 25's. So as far as the 10 gallons I have to use a ROLS or some type of Super Soil / Quality " cooked " mixes because they are too small for No-Till. So I am kind of in a unique situation as far as different styles is concerned. I currently have and love my worm bin for fresh castings and worms for my pots but I haven't tried much compost ( which is probably dumb ). I actually read one of your threads on Composting that I found pretty cool. As far as interests go in Organics I am really interested in learning anything and everything. My main goal is just to try and achieve the best quality smoke I can. One reason I am trying to transition to No-Till I have just heard No-Till produces some of the best tasting smoke around ( as long as drying and curing is done well of course ). Appreciate all your advice brother

I appreciate the nice words in regards to my compost thread, although it seems to have may been a lil derailed a bit (painful ball-buster pics)...

ahh, well the layered thing is sorta a taboo subject around here, some of us get a lil impatient with it, the largest complaint being its predicated on slaughterhouse stuff, soluble nutrients, and a concept that isn't anchored in science or botany...
but yea, you could pimp out your technique real easy-peazy
leaf compost is like magic for plants, the insane microbial life/diversity involved and the perfect CEC, the perfect PH, humic acids, etc, all that I prevalent in compost/ewc grows, and in organics the microbes are almost more important than the macro/micros you choose.

As far as no-till, I've done it extensively, and my sole complaint is simply that the soil will compact over time, usually run dry on nitrogen, calcium, and sometime potassium, typically rock dusts are utilized so phosphorus defs are not as common.
I do a modified version of them, I run my soil per calender yr, and reamend with amended-compost each spring, the soil is about perfect till the third run (depending on container size and plant-age of course)

One thing I can safely say, I've done almost every modified organic grow imagined, and the compost and EWC make it almost idiot proof..
if you have the room, I HIGHLY recommend tryin it
it's also sorta fun to do a wormbin and compost pile too... if you are a weirdo like me anyways..
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No problem I will definitively check out some more of your threads. As far as the " SuperSoil " method not being anchored in Biology or Science I cannot attest too that because I do not have the repertoire, but if you mean it in the context that it doesn't follow the Redwood Forest concept or natural growth that we see in nature then I can understand what you are saying. I guess I just like it because it is simple and easy to critique and I get rather great yields and killer smoke. Also I found it hard to break off from Nutrients ( in the beginning ) to Organics just because of the inexperience gap and the fear of switching to a method that didn't work as well, but when I did and tasted the final product I was overjoyed and ecstatic at the final result. So in a sense in that same way I am a little reluctant to switch from a method I use now that produces some of the best smoke I have ever had bar none. On top of that my yields are very good in my opinion and I never have a problem with malnutrition/deficiencies or anything else along those lines. I am not saying I would not be interested in trying a new method because I definitively would, but unless the new method gets me a higher quality smoke / better yields then the difference to me is rather negligible. I understand that is a terrible philosophy but I am a little stubborn... Any chance I could see what your soil mix looks like? I have the room and plants to try out other methods and would love to give a go at what you are talking about. Thank you