Just Got My Seeds! Ready to Rock! White Widows, First Grow, 4 Months in Waiting!


Well-Known Member
Hehe thank you both:D

Had some PH issue I guess when I was adding nutes. I thought the water turning an orangish color when testing was just because the water was kinda brownish with all the nutes in it lol. Gotta get a digital tester lol. Anyways, I've been adjusting the PH accordingly, but who knows how bad I effed em up. they prolly would be way bigger if I woulda caught this problem at the beginning. But oh well, another lesson learned for the next grow!


Well-Known Member
Aight, These ladies are getting fat and beautiful, they are also starting to stink past my Smell defenses!!! lol. Things are fine when they are sleeping and I have the Green blanket over the door, prolly because I have negative pressure in the closet with the door closed and the blanket over it cause it sucks the blanket into the cracks of the door hehe. But ya, can't do that with the lights on or it would get to 96 Degrees in there hehe. Anyways, enough rambling here we go:



Well-Known Member
Aight, 3 problems I found this week:

1. Mother plant is not looking too good. Her leaves are getting dried out and crumbling when you touch them. I think I might have fried her a little bit with nutes :(

I flushed her and I hope she starts improving. So we'll see

2. The smell is getting HOLY SHIT SLAP IN THE FACE!! lol. I had it under control, but holy crap, I have to spray frebreeze and light candles all over the house haha. It's only when the lights on though cuz the closet door has to stay open cause of heat but, when the lights off I have the closet shut with a blanket velcro'd over it and air doesn't seem to escape that! Anyways, going to swap the areas for the next grow. The mother plant box will be the flowering box and the closet will be the mother plant and clone/seedling box.

3. I found these balls on the main stems of the flowering plants. Holy crap, it's scaring me! Link: https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/429207-wtf-these-did-my-plant.html

Not sure what to do, but here are some happy pics!

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Active Member
if u found balls it may have hermed on ya but nice grow sorry bout all the slow start and bad luck but first grow live and learn right....


Well-Known Member
Oh fo damn sure! I'll be experimenting with all that shizzle!!! haha. Can't wait :D

if u found balls it may have hermed on ya but nice grow sorry bout all the slow start and bad luck but first grow live and learn right....
Ya yer right on that, however after some research and a few people in that thread I posted, turns out I was worried for nothing and they are just Calyxes like shown here http://thegrowcloset.com/parts-of-the-cannabis-plant/

Thanks for stoppin in man, Update every tuesday so stick around and check out how things turn out :D


Active Member
Nice set up, i'm 5 days it to a white widow from nirvana.

Your plants are looking sweet i hope i can get mine to look like that.

I'm only growing one plant and want to get it as big as possible, but i can only grow to about 5', so i was just wondering how tall yours are getting?


Well-Known Member
Nice set up, i'm 5 days it to a white widow from nirvana.

Your plants are looking sweet i hope i can get mine to look like that.

I'm only growing one plant and want to get it as big as possible, but i can only grow to about 5', so i was just wondering how tall yours are getting?
Thanks man, my plants are about 4ft tall from the ground to the top. That includes the 3 galon bucket they are in :D I wanted them to get taller because I have the room for them to get up to 7' tall hehe. I'm going to use 5 galon buckets next time and see if that will allow them to get a bit bigger


Well-Known Member
So went and picked up a 60x-100x magnifier today for 12 bucks at radio shack. Got some crappy trichome pics. Ill work on it, but you can kinda tell that they are still all clear, nothing milky white yet. Check it out:

Heres the plant it's from:




Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Nothing new to report except that I have no clue when to start flushing them. I think I'm going to do it this week and then just water them with plain water from here til harvest. You guys let me know what you think. Anyways, here's some pics. We are getting close =D


EDIT: Yes I realize the plant in the front of the closet pics is a little droopy lol, She is on her on watering schedule and I kinda forgot to water her this morning hehe. But she's fine. She's already perking up while I'm writing this update :D


Well-Known Member
Ya see, that's what i was thinkin, then just water for the remainder of the grow. But it could be another 3 weeks, not sure if that's such a good idea. Just tryin to get some feedback if they are close enough to flush em and be ok.


Well-Known Member
So after some research and some of the guys help in the newbie central forum hehe, I'll wait another week, then flush em. That'll mean one more feeding, prolly half strength. Then it'll be a strict water only diet til harvest :D


Well-Known Member
So ya, it's almost time to harvest so I figured Id start the cloning process and see what I can come up with. Took 12 clones off the top of 12 different branches. Hope that works, tried to make so I took them from the lower branches cuz I heard those are the easiest to clone. anyways heres some pics:
