Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

Bud Assasin

Well-Known Member
Yes. The difference is that Al Jazeera reports these things called verifiable facts, while the shit you spew has no credibility whatsoever.
Let see some verification of the facts? or is it just going to be the blabbering of a Arab with a large chip on his shoulder.


Well-Known Member
Half of that is the exact point I was trying to make, it should be obvious to anyone who isn't a retard that Boeing or any other Arms manufacturer will almost always have a contract with there own government to produce arms for their own country. I was just pointing out that even though it may appear that the US and Israel have the same helicopters that it doesn't automatically mean that the the government sold the helicopters. They may have approved the export but we will never know for obvious reasons.

I also see a lot of American cars in Israel did the American government sell them those as well? or was it a conspiracy to put Palestinian car makers out of business.
The Israeli govt didn't buy the cars, citizens did. Cars and weaponized choppers area apples and oranges, no comparison. I'm 99.9% sure the govt has final say in who does and doesn't buy weapons at that level.


Well-Known Member
What about the Civil war?
Spanish American War of 1898?
War of 1812?
Then there is the USMC incursions into Honduras, Haiti, Nicaragua, Panama, and just about the rest of "Latin America" during the first third of the 20th century.
Semper Fi USMC 1966 - 1971
The Vietnam war was really pointless to right?

In light of the evidence I would have to say you have some history to study. Never mind me being ignorant LMAO!!! Like the pot calling the kettle black up in here BAW HA HA HA !!!
Yeah. If I were you, I wouldn't be going around calling anyone ELSE ignorant.

Bud Assasin

Well-Known Member
Ye of little faith. We have stealth predator drones. We could have pounded every armored vehicle crossing the border with TOW anti tank missiles, then claimed that the Ukrainians were just very good at hitting tanks that seem to be lost on the wrong side of the border.
LMAO!! Yes that would be an ethical solution.....LOL!, lets just bomb people and say someone else did it, are you a child? cause you definitely do not know the first thing regarding diplomacy, or Geneva convention or the way things really work.

Bud Assasin

Well-Known Member
The Israeli govt didn't buy the cars, citizens did. Cars and weaponized choppers area apples and oranges, no comparison. I'm 99.9% sure the govt has final say in who does and doesn't buy weapons at that level.
Agreed I was trying to make a point!! :)


Well-Known Member
LMAO!! Yes that would be an ethical solution.....LOL!, lets just bomb people and say someone else did it, are you a child? cause you definitely do not know the first thing regarding diplomacy, or Geneva convention or the way things really work.
You think our govt cares about diplomacy or the Geneva convention? We've funded guerrilla armies worldwide for 50+ yrs, at a minimum.


Well-Known Member
What about the Civil war?
Spanish American War of 1898?
War of 1812?
Then there is the USMC incursions into Honduras, Haiti, Nicaragua, Panama, and just about the rest of "Latin America" during the first third of the 20th century.
Semper Fi USMC 1966 - 1971
The Vietnam war was really pointless to right?

In light of the evidence I would have to say you have some history to study. Never mind me being ignorant LMAO!!! Like the pot calling the kettle black up in here BAW HA HA HA !!!
Thank you for your service. We won the Vietnam war, until the Dems fucked it up. Much like they have now done in Iraq.

Bud Assasin

Well-Known Member
There is always some nut bar beeking off about the middle east and barking out solutions that would have solved the world problems. If only the world would listen to the experts on the Weed sites... If only...


Well-Known Member
You think our govt cares about diplomacy or the Geneva convention? We've funded guerrilla armies worldwide for 50+ yrs, at a minimum.
You're right; our government no longer cares about keeping its word because being owned and operated by those who place themselves above the law effectively means that the chains of accountability have been broken.

That's a nation wrecking problem if it's allowed to continue.

Why? Because the disenfranchised will suffer the consequences first and worst, and the nation will crumble- hell, IS CRUMBLING, in nearly every sense of the word- from being hollowed out.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your service. We won the Vietnam war, until the Dems fucked it up. Much like they have now done in Iraq.
The "Dems" fucked it up? No, it wasn't Kissinger, McNamara or that POS Nixon, that fucked up Viet Nam They were FORCED to lie to the American people for 7 fucking years, causing tens of thousands of more American causalities for NOTHING. Yup, that was all the Democrats fault, just as Iraq DEMANDING that we leave their country, that that other POS REPUBLICAN President invaded, named GW Bush. That also was the Democrats fault, right? Do you actually know anything about history, or do you just make it up as you go along. I bet your voting for Trump,right? That figures


Well-Known Member
The "Dems" fucked it up? No, it wasn't Kissinger, McNamara or that POS Nixon, that fucked up Viet Nam They were FORCED to lie to the American people for 7 fucking years, causing tens of thousands of more American causalities for NOTHING. Yup, that was all the Democrats fault, just as Iraq DEMANDING that we leave their country, that that other POS REPUBLICAN President invaded, named GW Bush. That also was the Democrats fault, right? Do you actually know anything about history, or do you just make it up as you go along. I bet your voting for Trump,right? That figures
He believes everything he sees on Faux Spews, cuz they SAID they're fair n balanced. :spew:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Now, let's all of get back to the point, which is enough is enough of the USA being the only country that supports that apartheid state called Israel. If any OTHER COUNTRY IN THE FUCKING WORLD pulled the shit that Israel was pulling on the Palestinians, there would be embargoes up their asses as fast as you could spit. Russia merely supported a revolution in the Ukraine, and they are being crippled economically in a year, but the world just blinks at Israel doing what they have been doing for the last 60 fucking years, which has been killing Arabs, and taking their land, all on a myth that a thing called God willed it to be. And the West wonders why Muslims hate us. Well, one good place to start would be in 1948, (forget that England, France, Italy, Portugal and let's throw Germany in the mix for being invaders and oppressors in the Middle East and Africa) when the Western powers created a place called Israel, right in the middle of the remnants of the Ottoman Empire. Brilliant fucking move, if you wanted chaos for the next century.

BDS now, and forever, until a free Palestine. Fuck Israel

Bud Assasin

Well-Known Member
and the nation will crumble- hell, IS CRUMBLING, in nearly every sense of the word- from being hollowed out.
Not sure about that statement either, your economy seems to be bouncing back like a champ, that doesn't seem like crumbling to me. Maybe you think that America is crumbling because you have an Anti Patriotic view that clouds your minds eye and you fail to see the good that is happening. Instead you swallow all that the media feeds you.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your service. We won the Vietnam war, until the Dems fucked it up. Much like they have now done in Iraq.
We won that war? You can't be serious! Why then did we barely get the last of our people out of Saigon just as the NVA was taking control of the city? :roll:

I guess those guys going "Jesus, we've lost the Capitol, RUN!" is a sure sign to you that we won the war.


Bud Assasin

Well-Known Member
when the Western powers created a place called Israel, right in the middle of the remnants of the Ottoman Empire. Brilliant fucking move, if you wanted chaos for the next century.
You seriously don't think it was the West that gave Israel to the Jews, Last history lesson I had it was the UN, In 1917, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, their were two populations in the British Mandate of Palestine (Jew and Arab) of equal size that seemed to be descending into warfare, the UN thought it prudent to divide the contested area into two and give each populace its own chunk.

Sooo... Really it wasn't the west at all. Unless you really want to heap some more fuel on the fire that is hatred for the Americans.


Well-Known Member
You seriously don't think it was the West that gave Israel to the Jews, Last history lesson I had it was the UN, In 1917, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, their were two populations in the British Mandate of Palestine (Jew and Arab) of equal size that seemed to be descending into warfare, the UN thought it prudent to divide the contested area into two and give each populace its own chunk.

Sooo... Really it wasn't the west at all. Unless you really want to heap some more fuel on the fire that is hatred for the Americans.
It was the US that forced the members of the Security Council to support the creation of Israel. 1st vote it was denied. 2nd vote it was passed because the US told all the members if you want economic aid after WW2, you better give us this. Fact.