Just Like That, I Quit.


Smoking cigarettes, that is. It is my first time using nicotine patches and I still wish I could smoke a cigarette.... Smoking more pot doesn't help, considering I usually smoke a cigarette after I smoke some bud. It makes me want one worse, actually =[

Does anyone have any good advice on how to break this filthy habit?


Well-Known Member
Smoking cigarettes, that is. It is my first time using nicotine patches and I still wish I could smoke a cigarette.... Smoking more pot doesn't help, considering I usually smoke a cigarette after I smoke some bud. It makes me want one worse, actually =[

Does anyone have any good advice on how to break this filthy habit?
i bought a volcano and gave up smoking........


Well-Known Member
mate patches still get you addictyed to nicotine only way your gonna kick cigs is if you go cold turkey but not all at once littlle bit by little bit lets say your a moderate smoker maybe 8-10 cigs a day

now to start cutting your self down just limit the amount you can smoke every 2weeks like for 2 weeks go from 8 a day to 6 a day then the next 2 weeks down to 4 then the next 2 weeks down to 2 and youll soon be off them

i quit doing this method and its so much easier than dropping cold turkey

your never gonna get rid of hte urge though mate your gonna have to learn to say no and self control thats all

i still smoke a cig here or their though as the craving does get to me from time to time (but i never buy cigs anymore) if i ever had the urge id have to be with someone that buys them to smoke wichh also really helps


those replies made me giggle lol.
Quitting smoking is really hard, I did for 2 weeks before and caved. Coke was nothing like this crap lol.


Well-Known Member
It is really hard bro but it comes down to are you mentally strong enough to quit


Well-Known Member
I used cloves to help quite. You get a craving and light one of those up and take a nice long inhale thinking it will be bliss and BLAH! They are gross and make you want to vomit. Smoke a 1/4 of one of those like it was a cig and you'll put it down in disgust.


Well-Known Member
Here's the lowdown that worked for me. Its all in your mind. Right now as you read this you are thinking that you are depriving your self of something, "Damn I need a cigarette but I can't have one". This is not true at all, you are not depriving your self of anything. You are giving your self one of the best gifts ever : Health, mind and body. "Fuck those cigarettes killing me slowly, I'm getting my life back". If you can be strong enough to convince your mind of that simple truth, you will never smoke another cigarette again.


Here's the lowdown that worked for me. Its all in your mind. Right now as you read this you are thinking that you are depriving your self of something, "Damn I need a cigarette but I can't have one". This is not true at all, you are not depriving your self of anything. You are giving your self one of the best gifts ever : Health, mind and body. "Fuck those cigarettes killing me slowly, I'm getting my life back". If you can be strong enough to convince your mind of that simple truth, you will never smoke another cigarette again.
That too, is very helpful. I never thought of it like that. I guess nobody really needs a cigarette, it's just an addiction and addictions are just all in your head pretty much.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
first, corgratulations. cold turkey is the only way if you really want the habit gone. second, i highly reccomend these chewing toothpics. they are tea tree oil and peppermint, and they are INTENSE. they actually help with that feeling you're looking for that you're missing from your lungs, and they give you something to do with your hands. and obviously they help with any oral fixation that intensifies with the anxiety of quitting. i have tried a few different brands and thursday plantation is the only brand that really lasts (no, i was not paid for this post). the wood is very durable and doesn't splinter, and the flavor is much more intense. these are also helpful to kick chew, also. bonus is they make your breath smell good and are antibacterial, and fucking CHEAP. i used to get them at a healthfood store but they switched brands so now i get them online. they come in cinnamon, also. i never tried those.



Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any good advice on how to break this filthy habit?
Best advice is actually want to quit, and then do it. If you yourself don't truly want to quit, and you're doing it for some stupid reason like a girlfriend or saving money... it wont happen.

Put them down, and stop smoking them. If I can watch a tweaker put his crackpipe in a sock, smash it, then throw speed down the toilet and never touch it again for 6 years... you can quit cigs.

Just gotta want it.

Now want it.


bud bootlegger
Best advice is actually want to quit, and then do it. If you yourself don't truly want to quit, and you're doing it for some stupid reason like a girlfriend or saving money... it wont happen.

Put them down, and stop smoking them. If I can watch a tweaker put his crackpipe in a sock, smash it, then throw speed down the toilet and never touch it again for 6 years... you can quit cigs.

Just gotta want it.

Now want it.
i agree 100% with this statement.. i was addicted to some hardcore shit in my past, and it took me awhile to get clean, but how i did it was telling myself that i wanted to be clean, and didn't want to use that shit any longer, so i didn't.. not saying it was easy, not at all, but your only going to quit once you make up your mind that you want to quit and want nothing to do with that nasty habit any longer.. btw, i still smoke, lol.. but i simply haven't made up my mind to quit yet..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Smoking cigarettes, that is. It is my first time using nicotine patches and I still wish I could smoke a cigarette.... Smoking more pot doesn't help, considering I usually smoke a cigarette after I smoke some bud. It makes me want one worse, actually =[

Does anyone have any good advice on how to break this filthy habit?
Cold Turkey. Nearly killed me but I did it (nearly killed everyone else too). When I had a craving I would rinse my mouth out with cinnamon mouthwash and chewed a lot of gum. It helps. Keep your hands busy or you will end up overeating. I carried a pen with me and chewed on a straw. Every little bit helped. After about 8 days the initial physical craving stopped.