just like to get some feelings on this

Its cool Dark, he thinks letting his plant die in the pot w/2 weeks of darkness will make his buds swell. There is a reason we chop the crop down when the plant is still alive though Cryponic. And really my point is 2 weeks darkness will kill her in the pot untrimmed or manicured
The extend dark period isnt about the degrading THC alone. What they are suggesting for this strain (and its only this strain that they suggest a two week dark period) is that you dont want the flowers growing, because you want the the plant to use its stored resources to focus on producing resin only. Plus, because the WW produces so much resin, the dark tricks the plant into making more to protect its buds from the seemingly cooler temps. WW isnt about yeild, but about how powerful the bud is per square inch. Its the principle of diminishing values: with most plants that dont carry the THC levels and resin production of the WW, a two week dark period would have diminishing values. You increase the potency a little but lose much yeild. It wouldnt be worth it. But with WW it is not a diminishing value. WW isn't a batch of beer, it finely tuned scotch. If you dont have an extended dark period, you will have wasted most of your time: you tried to make a scotch and ended up with a keg of beer.

I tend to agree with this statement. The recommendation of the two week dark period seems to only apply to white widow. Its not exactly a footnote you see for every strain. IMO this means that there is a reason they recommend it. Although I must say a full two weeks does seem a bit long. Maybe just one week would be better? The best way to tell would be for somebody to run an experiment and compare the end results. :blsmoke:
you could email nirvana and ask them, being that they are the breeder of the seeds (as read in this thread).
No I dont expect the buds to swell, as I stated "you dont want the the buds to grow" . . . you want the resin on the buds to build. And yest the dark period will cause the plant leaves to wilt and shrivel, but the plant will remain alive. Plants concetrate on resperation in the dark, they just wont produce glucose as food. Instead the plant will use the stored N in its leaves to concentrate its full efforts on protecting the most sensitive part of the plant, the bud. Let me ask you question? Do you think all grapes are harvested the same? Have you ever heard of "divine rot"? There is a desert wine in Canada that is known for high sugar grapes. This grape is left on the vine past fall and into winter where they let it rot on the vine. A fungus will often grow on the grapes. They harvest the grape in the winter after it has gone into a almost natural fermintation. These desert wines are some the most sought after of the their kind in the world. Now I wouldnt recommend it for you Chardonney or Chab, but I hope you see my point. This is white widows "divine rot", its part of the curing process, it just happens on the stem for a period. I have emailed Nirvana. Where do you think I'm getting this information. One last thing, what makes you think that you know more than a world renown breeder on their own strain? Just curious where that kind erogance comes from. I plan on growing this strain in the winter. I will use the 2 week dark period. I will have a jornal. Wish me luck. lol
Honestly crypnotic, I hope im completly wrong and it works for you. Im not here to root againist fellow growers. Good luck with your Grow bro!
Thought I remebmered this. Its the Nirvana White Widow that the sensible seeds sells. Nirvans's white widonw has diferent gentics than the orginal from Greenhouse. Its taller and more slender and very delicate, from what I understand. If Nirvana suggest two weeks of dark or at least 30% reduction in light time, I'd take that as good advice. They developed the stain and grow them to breed seeds. Its their stuff, take their word for it.
Just so you know original WW is from MR. Nice and its called Black Widow http://www.mrnice.nl/dhtml/strains.php?id=16 hate when seedbanks copy a strain and try to say its the original...

oh and to the OP resin grows in a plants dark period so some peopel will give plants a prolonged period of darkness usually 24-72 hours helps with bag appeal but doesnt really increase the quality of ur buds that late in the game, i think 2 weeks would def be over kill lol GL happy growing
I want you guys who say that white widow benefits from that 2 week dark period to back it up. You can say what you like and so can the seedbank, I want to see a detailed controlled test that proves it. If its true you should have no problem finding the info to support it. hundreds(if not thousands) of people grow white widow and out of all those people not a single one ever did a study/experiment on it that proves it but yet people say it works........where's the proof?
We all intuitively feel that 2 weeks in the dark is not a good idea. I would not do that to my girls, personally.