The extend dark period isnt about the degrading THC alone. What they are suggesting for this strain (and its only this strain that they suggest a two week dark period) is that you dont want the flowers growing, because you want the the plant to use its stored resources to focus on producing resin only. Plus, because the WW produces so much resin, the dark tricks the plant into making more to protect its buds from the seemingly cooler temps. WW isnt about yeild, but about how powerful the bud is per square inch. Its the principle of diminishing values: with most plants that dont carry the THC levels and resin production of the WW, a two week dark period would have diminishing values. You increase the potency a little but lose much yeild. It wouldnt be worth it. But with WW it is not a diminishing value. WW isn't a batch of beer, it finely tuned scotch. If you dont have an extended dark period, you will have wasted most of your time: you tried to make a scotch and ended up with a keg of beer.