Just looking for some recommendations


Active Member
Hey guys, here's my current Lemon Haze grow. Just looking for some recommendations from the pros. I'm figuring another week or so to go, your thoughts? They were put into flower on 8/17, they are now on day 44 as of today (9/30/12.) I plan to leave them in the dark for 5 days before harvesting. Feeding just water now. Just gave them their last Iconix bloom nutes along with CalMag misting of the foliage yesterday. Any feedback/recommendations is appreciated!



Active Member
Thanks! Pretty proud of them. First grow with 2 400W high pressure sodium lights. Use to grow with CFL's, major difference.


Well-Known Member
why do you use 8/17 cycle rather than 12/12 ??
What did you heard about it? Sorry, pretty curious about it :)
Very nice buds, though


Well-Known Member
from looking at it i would give it another 3 weeks. Looks like it just started really making buds. Haze tends to be more of a sativa flowering plant anyway 9-10 weeks. Of course checking trichomes will help you know.


Active Member
from looking at it i would give it another 3 weeks. Looks like it just started really making buds. Haze tends to be more of a sativa flowering plant anyway 9-10 weeks. Of course checking trichomes will help you know.
Yeah, I plan to put them in the dark for 5 days once the trichomes turn cloudy. Then harvest. You think 3 weeks huh? Think I should hittem lightly with nutes one more time?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I plan to put them in the dark for 5 days once the trichomes turn cloudy. Then harvest. You think 3 weeks huh? Think I should hittem lightly with nutes one more time?
You can, give it a dose, then flush the last 2 weeks, i use molasses when i flush but its personal preference. Lots of guys use other products and have good results.


Well-Known Member
Misting your buds is never a good idea. Keep it real dry until harvest. Five days is a long time in the dark (won't start a debate on that but it seems excessive).


Active Member
Rumple, how long do you leave yours in the dark? I'm only going by what the guy at the grow shop recommended. This is only my 4th grow - first one under HPS lights. He said most people leave theirs in the dark for 2 days but he does his for 5 days because he believes it makes it more potent.


Active Member
There will be endless debates about doing it. Some swear by it, some don't care for it. I like to just skip the last light cycle and turn them off from there. 24-36 hours later and I can trim at my leisure. (nights-skip-night-chop for 36 hours) They will pretty much just stop doing anything, giving you a couple of days to cut and trim if you have a lot of plants and no help like me. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Myself and most the growers I know harvest before the next light cycle comes on (12 hours of darkness). I have not seen any advantage to leaving it in the dark, only endless text telling me how great it is. I grow from the same clone and harvest every 70 to 80 days for the past seven years or more. So it is pretty simple for me to try and confirm/dispel all kinds of wacky methods and theories. I tried two versions of the "waiting in the dark" theory. It gave no positive effect to my end product.

That said: I have seen a lot of folks in the forums who leave the plants in the dark for 72 hours. Many of them produce a quality product and will rave about the method. So peace to all the "waiting in the dark" method users and true believers. No bad vibes towards other growers of good herb.

My advice is to keep your methods simple until you have had enough harvests to tell the difference any change has made to your end product and yield.