Just lost power to 3000w bloom!!!!! ELECTRICIANS PLEASE HELP.


This is above my pay grade. :dunce:

Just lost power to a 3000W bloom room. Please help.

Background: Room has 4 120v outlets, currently running 3 1000w lights and small duct fans, ac on separate outlets. Maybe that obviously it, but i tested everything out for days and nothing blew!!!! Soooo... I assumed no need for different outlets or any 240V wiring, but all of a sudden today the whole room just lost power! WTF?! Only that room too. Bathroom next to it works. Flipped breaker for room and nothing came back on. Is this a blown fuse? Can i fix it and try just two lights. Please help. i'm running 1 light from my kitchen right now. not cool.

I do have an electrician friend that can help out if i need it, but any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm a mechanical engineer so maybe i can figure this out with some guidance.

And the room IS directly above my breaker box since i have a feeling this is were this could be going, so maybe I*(he) can run 240v line up from box through floor of room??? This is a last option though....

Will add pic of breaker box soon. thanks so much in advance.



Well-Known Member
have you checked the breaker box for thrown breakers? sometimes they may not look like they are in the off position and still be thrown. any other power issues in the house? 1 room is usually not singled out for 1 circuit. It could be that circuit may feed other sockets in your house. I'v had a circuit blow just by turning my microwave on while washing clothes. Thats been fixed now.

Hope you get this worked out.


Well-Known Member
i think there is an electrician helping for free, type electrician into search box.


Active Member
It could be a bad breaker. If you had another one the same size, they are easy to swap out. While you have the cover off take a look around for burnt or loose wires. Also take the cover off the outlet box in the room and see if there are any loose or burnt wires there too.
Always work safely around electrical. Make sure to shut the power off at the service entrance as well as the main in the breaker box.


Active Member
Are you running digital or magnetic ballasts? and what is the amp on the breaker labeled? You might be running too many amps for your breaker. Which means you need to either split up your feeds (so your amps being pulled are less than the breaker, also meaning multiple breakers of lower amps) or you install a larger amp breaker or the breaker currently installed is faulty. Off the top of my head that is a common problem. I've seen too many amps being pulled of one little breaker and it melted the breaker and fried like half the panel! It's a good sign that the other lights and electronics work.


Active Member
Definitely 3000 watts plus extras would be way to much load if that room is all on one 15 amp breaker.


20A breaker. 3 magnetic ballasts. yep. that makes sense. actually surprised they ran that long. Problem is breaker box is on 1st floor, grow on 2nd, i.e. pain in the ass to wire 240v outlets to the room. I have an electrician friend comin to check it out tomorrow, prob replace breaker with 20 or 25 if possible and just run 2 lights on that breaker and squeak by with another an ext cord to stay rollin. Then get like 3 240V run through floor or some shit...
