Just made brownies from males


Active Member
Seeing as there seems to be a constant rift between people saying you can get high off of male plants vs not being able to, I decided to make a batch of brownies. I used 3 males and 3 sticks of butter to make the cannabutter.

Just ate 15min ago, will give my final verdict in 2 hours or so.


Active Member
Well, hasnt been 2 hours, but has been 1 hour, feeling MAYBE a light buzz, not even sure. Overall, I think males are fail. The only possible way IMO that i failed with males where others MAY have exceeded is more flower time for the males.

Other than that, MALES SUCK!!!!!!!

I have more butter left so im going to make something with a higher dose of it to see if it works all. Wont get to it til tomorrow, i'll follow up again.