just might be the coolest things happend to me while stoned


My old cat, Shadow used to get all pissed off when he could smell me smoking and he couldn't get high. So much so that, whenever I'd light up, he'd smach the bitch right outta my hand. Lil' fucker...

So of course I'd blow it in his face. It's uber-cute 'cause he'd sniff it and then come and sit on my lap, waiting for more. [Once he got his first hit, he wasn't agressive] But you can't do it too much, 'cause they will die.

And afterwards we'd have his stupid ass runnin' up walls tryin' to get the laser dot on the ceiling! :D
{Ferreal, get the laser. Like 3-6 bucks at a gas station. You will NOT regret it!] meh heh heh...

[Total cat person. Rats, too.]


Well-Known Member
We got the most stupid ass looking cat toy ever, but it is a winner... A wood dowel with about 3' of rope attached to it with a fake leather tassle thingy (just basicaly a piece snipped on one side and rolled into a squid shape), maybe 2" long. All the cats go ape for it (I have 6).