just moved plant from outdoor to indoor need help ASAP

well its a long story but i got a plant 3 or 4 days ago and its been going threw a bit of stress for the last couple days.
i have it in my colset under a lava lamp light and another not as bright light for when im not there
it has about a mouth till it will finish budding and im not shore how to look after it properly...
some of the bottom leave are starting to become yellow and the very tips of most the leaves look dead need help


Well-Known Member
a lava lamp isn't sufficient for any plant let alone weed. Go to the newbie central on the forum and read. Look up cfl grows. They are common house lights these days and real cheap. Good luck bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
how many nodes? how large are the leaves and alldo that? enough is subjective to your goals and expectations. can you grow a plant all the way through with 3 20w's? yes. it is technically possible. i would not go with less than 8-10 of them. do you have a fan blowing on the plant? that is extremely important. another thing you'll want to get is a way to test ph and adjust it. you want a ph of 6.0-7.0 in soil. 6.5 is what i go with. i will find you a guide on when to water.


Well-Known Member
What is the "lift the pot" method? Added by: 10k

The "lift the pot" method is a widely practiced, and very accurate method of knowing when to water your container plants.

The best way imho, to know when soil grown potted plants need more watering is by checking how heavy the pots feel. This method is very simple to learn once you get the feel for how light a ready for watering pot of soil feels.

Get an equal size pot and fill it with your soil. The medium should be about as moist as a new bag of potting soil. Use this planter as a learning tool to get a rough idea of how much the pots should weigh before watering again. The pots with your plants will feel only just slightly heavier when the soil is ready for more water. Pick up one of your planted pots, if its noticably heavy, do not water it until it feels "light". Next time you water a planter, pick it up and feel how much heavier it feels compared to the sample pot of soil.

It only takes a few times picking up the pots until this skill is like a "second nature" to you. You wont even need the sample pot after you get accustomed to the lifting method.

Sure your plants are always putting on more weight as they grow larger, but once you're proficient at lifting the pots, you'll also know how to compensate for the weight of the plants with ease.

I dont know how to better explain this method of knowing when to water, but believe me, anyone who learns this method, will always know when its time to water.
thanks alot im going to put some pics up and i found 25 30 and 40 wt lights and there about a 3ft above the plant and one right underneath sort
an i noticed tiny little hole at the tips of the leavs :confused:
could that be the ph lvls


Well-Known Member
3 ft is way too far. cfls should be no more that 4 inches at the absolute max and the closer the better as long as they are not burning the plant. 1-2 inches is what i do. the fan is important in being able to do so w/o burning so if you dont have one yet you might have to keep them further than that for now. hole? not that ive ever seen. thats usually a pest of some sort.
ok well i have one spider witch i dont no whether i should get rid of it or not and im going to put some better pics of the holes. and i have a fan , so should i drop the lights a ft lower or more then that


Well-Known Member
Since you're flowering, I'd get as many 2700k cfl's as close as you can to that plant. The more light there is, the better your smoke will be.

Edit: Also, subbed. I want to see how this goes. I like DIY grows.


Well-Known Member
its brighter then you think an thanks
no it the wrong type of light, plants wont grow why didnt you leave it outside? get a fluro at least. When a plant is taken from its environment and shoved in a closet of course it will stress/stunt and the lava lamp isnt helping.
i raised the plant another 20 cm or somthing i hope that would help and what sort of bugs could be in my closet and what can i do about it.
what lights would you suggest i buy (cant be a fire hazard becouse im not home alot ) and i got the plant for free so im not to keen to spend heaps on the lights but i will do what ever i have to keep her alive