Just one branch


Well-Known Member
What would happen if you tried to force flower on one branch of a plant. Like put a bag over it an hour and a half before dark and taking it off during the night. I don't intend on doing this but I thought about it today when planning how I was going to pollinate a single branch on a morning glory (strain) plant.

I'm just curious what would happen. My guess would be it would be real stressful on the plant at best and at worst it would maff out and self-polinate.

Whaddaya'll think.


Well-Known Member
thats a pretty intresting question..id like to know to..like maybe rubber banding it so no lights get it in or something...


Well-Known Member
I believe people do this to sex plants early and to pollinate for seedstock. Kind of an old school technique. It may cause problems sometimes...I dunno.


Well-Known Member
I believe people do this to sex plants early and to pollinate for seedstock. Kind of an old school technique. It may cause problems sometimes...I dunno.
Yeah, that's what gave me the idea. I'd like to pollinate one female w/ two different strains' pollen and when I was thinking about the garbage bag I was going to have over the branch this came to mind. I think the plant as a whole has to be in 'flowering mode' to produce buds, I don't think there would be any way to flower one branch early in search of some early bud, but it may make one branch of your only female plant go hermie and let you score some seeds.

I don't really have any way of hypothesizing what might happen, I thought I'd ask you guys first.