Thats who I'm thinking about ordering from. I like how everything is included in the price.... What payment method did you choose? I was just going to call them and use debit.... It might be risky
I called him, used my prepaid debit card, had it shipped to a friends house. I paid the extra 25 for the fast shipping. Also I have been growing the seeds I bought from him, and any time I have a question or something, you can call him up and ask him, and he is very helpful. I won't order from anyone else for awhile. If its not broke don't fix it. LOL
Nice... He looks like he has some good shit to. I would just hate to pay $75-$80 bucks and get a nasty letter... pretty much the only reason why I haven't ordered anything yet but I'm going to try out that guy. Fingers crossed!
"We accept all major credit cards including gift cards" - From the Doc's FAQ
Gift Card = No need to provide personal information
Ship to a buddy's house and you are never even associated with the transaction
The dr is good man with GREAT seeds. the best way is to call with a prepaid gift card and get the express mail. i just grew out some thunderfuck and og kush from him and they where both tops in quality. good luck.
I orqered from highgrade-seeds,and I know it is hard to believe,but I got my beans in 24hrs.I know it sounds like B.S.I paid for overnite deliverey,35.00USD and I got my order the very next day.