just picked up and..


Well-Known Member
its so dry it kills the throat to rip it from a bong.. also it's so dry that when i try and roll one up, it rips right through the paper because its so rough and dry.. is there anyway to un-dry it and make it a little more nice and sticky without producing possible mold growth??


Well-Known Member
take a small damp sponge and your weed and place them both in a mason jar, seal jar and store in dark cool place for a day. weed should have absorbed some of the moisture. You can also use lettuce instead of the sponge.


Well-Known Member
leaf of lettuce or piece of parsley...both have low smell, buds should suck the moisture right out of it fairly quick.

jar it...of course.


Well-Known Member
you can even try orange peels and grapefuit peels. i used to do that back in the day for a little extra moistness and flavour when schwag was the only thing i could get but i wouldnt do it on any nice tastsy heads or anything like that