Just Scared The Ever loving Shit Out Of My Girlfriend.


Well-Known Member
some kid on my street put a briefcase in the sunoco and a employee called the cops and they brought the bomb squad in lol.
You're supposed to say TADA! It's called the houdini. An old favorite of mine.
There's another Houdini where you leave for a second to go to the bathroom and then "you" (actually your buddy) come back in to finish the job. Right in the middle of it you poke your head through the window or something. ALAKAZAM!


Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Bwaaaaahahah! That's waaay better. If ya don't mind watchin your buddy get after it with yer girl. Would have to be a good buddy.


Well-Known Member
Or, the "White dragon" when you're getting a blowjob, and right before you finish, you surprise her by slamming your junk down her throat, so it makes her cough and it comes out her nose. It gets the name "Dragon" for the look of sheer hatred she'll give you.


New Member

when pranks go wrong...[video=youtube;lP7jUcd44Yg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP7jUcd44Yg&feature=relmfu[/video]
Shame she is the perfect woman.. brunette nice body.. pretty.. but not overally "I am hot bitch" ... mmmm.. (but proven on numerous sites fake).


Well-Known Member
Shame she is the perfect woman.. brunette nice body.. pretty.. but not overally "I am hot bitch" ... mmmm.. (but proven on numerous sites fake).
yeah it was definitely a fake. the blonde in the full video is an actress..It think she's in that new showtime show called "episodes"

[video=youtube;MZxYguBZ4Jk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZxYguBZ4Jk[/video]here is a pretty good break down of the video, and they interview the actual producer...its pretty funny actually