just set my Chilean Rosehair free!!


Well-Known Member
if mass is over run with tarantulas, because one new breed was released into the ecosystem, ill know who to thank


Well-Known Member
we will kno wat dunce fucked up a perfectly go0d enviorment,by leting out a creature that can mate with local species and over run a species and make a problem species that doesnt fit into natures puzzle,i wish i could kick u in the chest and scream"this is nature"!,idiot boy,i hope it was a local species that u just got from a pet store

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
we will kno wat dunce fucked up a perfectly go0d enviorment,by leting out a creature that can mate with local species and over run a species and make a problem species that doesnt fit into natures puzzle,i wish i could kick u in the chest and scream"this is nature"!,idiot boy,i hope it was a local species that u just got from a pet store
lol! "local species"??"
i had it since i was 5
im 22
i found it "didnt go far" lol and picked it up an in the cage it went with fresh water

haha but it wont go bak in my house it creeps sammy out 2 much

so im just gunna keep it outside wen winter comes well ill just give it 2 the petstore
or again ill just relese it in the fall and have a tarantula infested town


Well-Known Member
local species,,i kno thats not th correct term,lol,.,.,at least it was from the area leting out species that arentfound where u live can obviosly cause problems,.,.,we have enuf problems,.,.,solve one


Well-Known Member
Let me just go release my 8' Haitian tree boa in my backyard lol. Actualy he did escape once... scared the shit outa my wife when he came out from under the cabinet when she was taking a leak @ 2am. Fortunately hes very docile, unfortunetly that bastard is strong and agile... Ive got 8 clips on his enclosure and he still ocasionaly will be sitting ontop my computor desk when I walk into my office (wife makes me keep the door closed after his escape)

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
he just flattened out and relaxed
the he keeped spinning webs
and t5he he walked around the walls of the tank
he is in a tank outside
he freaks my girlfriend out so i put him out side