Just signed up few days ago!


Hi all,

I am from the U.K, love Marijuana (discovered it when I was 12) however life didn't allow for it. Now I am 18 and recently smoked it again, now my life HAS to allow for it.. Haha.

Look forward to learning about growing crop here and speaking to some fellow consumers (last year of school before I enter uni and then it is MJ growing all the way!)..:leaf: :bigjoint:



bud bootlegger
welcome to the site icedhead, and also the the lovely world of cannabis... it's nice to see that you actaully waited till you were old enough to enjoy the benefits of the ganja as much as i love it, i tend to think it should be enjoyed for the most part by adults.. :)

anyhoo's, just wanted to welcome you to the site m8... :)


welcome to the site icedhead, and also the the lovely world of cannabis... it's nice to see that you actaully waited till you were old enough to enjoy the benefits of the ganja as much as i love it, i tend to think it should be enjoyed for the most part by adults.. :)

anyhoo's, just wanted to welcome you to the site m8... :)
Nice one. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
should have said you were 18, maybe you made a typo? forum policy requires you to be 18 I believe, did you mean 18?