just smoked 5 hits of a pipe


Active Member
Wow.....me too.....Really...thinking of retirement and being able to light up again....yup got
lost for at least ,,,hour and a half....hehe Sometimes the Grass really is greener on the other side;-)


Ursus marijanus
My neighbor's dog rolled in my patch of mint, ruining it. I was unable to answer the policeman who asked me, in one word, to describe the plants' condition. cn


Well-Known Member
Hey Philly man! I knew Philadelphia what a spectacular city. City pools in the summer, Big ass snow piles in the winter. Oh and getting wetted! my boy bought us soo much wet to smoke I went out of my mind for a few years! That shit is neurotoxic! MmmMm, it'll kill ya


Well-Known Member
i tend to do the same thing when i smoke by myself. like i cant space the hits out the bowl has to be cleared at once!


Well-Known Member
Even when I pack a bowl I clear it too quickly, complain I'm not stoned and end up rolling a big fat joint. Joints give me time for the delayed reaction to take effect... or maybe I just roll ridiculous joints and can't use a pipe properly...


Well-Known Member
Even when I pack a bowl I clear it too quickly, complain I'm not stoned and end up rolling a big fat joint. Joints give me time for the delayed reaction to take effect... or maybe I just roll ridiculous joints and can't use a pipe properly...
pipe takes patience and knowledge of packing well versus not being too tight and covering your bowl and lighting it from the edges to slowly burn the bud evenly... lots of nuances, but it will save you bud, if you like to save the precious herb. Ciggs are overrated, unless you have a buddy to share it with, and even then, I like one just for myself, so then we need to waste even more herb just to get 2 people baked. I'm a go big or go home smoker. 2 heads on one joint, better be a one hit wonder herb


Well-Known Member
I don't know what is wrong with me... this is weird because I'd guesd 90% of girls use pipes and tell me they're fucked after 1 or two bowls... I feel left out! Usually I only share a joint with my ladyfriend but mine seem to get us both baked but like you said it's probably not very good for saving ganja