just smoked sour diesel 1st time


Well-Known Member
seedboutique.com HAD Sour Diesel from Resevoir Seeds... But RS doesn't have it listed anymore... And I don't know much about RS. I hear good and bad. Some have said he is just a hack breeder who doesn't test out his strains very well and claims his bad grows on the growers.

And besides.. I know there is a difference between Sour Deisel and NYC Deisel. You can find the NYC Deisel from a few breeders.. SOMA being one of them

But... I don't know where to get a really GOOD strain of it from.. You never know what you're getting sometimes..

I would love to get my hands on some real good Sour Deisel seeds.

West Coast Medicine

Well-Known Member
I'm growing sour diesel right now, u can see my grow in my sig. I got the seeds from a medical forum. I would totally give you some clones if I knew u.