just started growing and need some help tellin if theres any thing you pls hlep


just started growin outdoors and i got about 21 plants in wa. but some of them have fat leafs and some dont is that bad heres some pics hope it helps you help me



ya well i got them for some one i no that got like 300 seed in a oz of smoke and just put them down in the ground and now imma put ics up soon thx for your help


Well-Known Member
they need to be in separate pots, solo cups at least. also you dont have much time left in the season to start an outdoor bagseed grow


Well-Known Member
You would struggle to keep them alive through the winter. Not sure what your weather's like but in the UK it snows.

If the temperature drops much below 5 degrees, they'll all die.

They will flower and die before the end of the winter anyways.

Like Kaleo said, get them in seperate pots. They'll compete for nutrients and root space and there's always a loser.

I suggest you do some serious reading. I'd hate to see seeds go to waste just because you didn't read and learn.

Good luck.


You would struggle to keep them alive through the winter. Not sure what your weather's like but in the UK it snows.

If the temperature drops much below 5 degrees, they'll all die.

They will flower and die before the end of the winter anyways.

Like Kaleo said, get them in seperate pots. They'll compete for nutrients and root space and there's always a loser.

I suggest you do some serious reading. I'd hate to see seeds go to waste just because you didn't read and learn.

Good luck.

thx imma put trhem in differt pots today
and it dont snows much here get to low 40s here so dose that make any differnts


Well-Known Member
40f is 4.44c. That's too low. Besides, they will flower before it snows. If you don't harvest them, they will just die.

Decide whether you want smaller yielding plants (because they're still seedlings now, and the days are already getting shorter) and leave them outside, or put them inside and clone them for next year.