just starting out


Well-Known Member
hi this is sparkage from wisconsin
just orderd a seed of pineapple punch automatic feminized
could anyone help me out on the lighting cycle growing indoor in a closet
what are the best lights to use ???
should i use led or floresents ???
what should i keep the temp at ???
growing in a five gallon pail with dirt how meny time a day should i water and how much ???
i am 49 years old when i was about 25 years old i did have a phototron when i hade the phototron they wanted me to keep the ground wet 23 out of 24 hours thats hard to dooooo
but someone with a big mouth told you know who and they cam and took it away from me
dam pigs - live and let live
man made booze god made grass who would you trust
anyways any help would be GREAT thanks your friend from wisconsin ( SPARKAGE ):weed:

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
High there.
Need more info....budget, size of closet, ability to ventilate, amps available on the circuit.
There is also a very good forum site....grow room design...we're here to help.
Are you able to paint the inside of the closet? Lots of questions for you and we'll help where we can


Well-Known Member
sparkage here
just wondering about which way to go for the lighting floressent or led
when i had my phototron light cycle was
on - 24/7 for 45 days first stage
second stage dont remember something like 18 on 6 0ff for 45 days
third stage 12 on 12 off for 45 days
i do remember the first and third stage dose this sound right ??????
which is better dirt or hydro never did hydro but did have more then one plant bud out with dirt - potting soil ???
thanks for the reply nice to talk to someone your friend on rollitup

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
18/6 for veg and people will tell you to veg for varying times. It may depend on the strain, but 4 weeks is a good rule of thumb. Flowering is 12/12 and will also vary with the strain, but there will be telltale markers to let you know when to harvest.

It still depends on budget and environment as far as lighting. My opinion...no LED. The cost is high for the electricity saved. My opinion from READING (like this month's HighTimes) says the yields were unacceptable.

So to address flouros....a T-5 set-up is a good long-term investment. Since plants like a good spectrum it is a good idea to mix a few flower lbulbs with the veg. SunBlaze is an 8 bulb system I have. BadBoy bulbs are good, too, but any will do. A Titan Apollo 9 is a decent timer and you will need a timer.

As far as a container you need to start small and transplant, Also buy a HighTimes...this month's issue has an article on using a shallow, wide planter...still doing research. Also read up on topping, LST, and curing.

Also check this out:

I don't know anything about them, but read a bit. I'm still learning a bit, too.
Keep asking away!


Well-Known Member
Its a auto so id leave it on 18/6 its whole life. It will start to flower on its own. Also not all sunblaze systems are 8 bulb. They range from 2ft single bulbs to 4ft 8bulbs.

Id say grow in soil its more forgiving and extremely easy. With autos you want to go light on the nutes. I just finished 2 green-o-matic autos and only fed them 3 times in there life cycle. I had no yellowing leafs from def either. That was a soil grow (straight promix).

If your choices were floro or led id lean towards the floros. You can find t5ho systems for fairly cheap check cl even. Just use 6500k bulbs until you see buds forming then switch to 3000k. If budgets tight you can use 6500k for the whole grow, its just not ideal. Led lights can be spendy and theres too many cheap units. Def do your research on a specific led if your thinking about buying one.

5gal pots are a little overkill for a auto. I grew mine out in 3.4gal airpots and it didnt use all the soil space. I would start them out in a 16oz plastic cup them transplant to a 2 or 3 gallon pot tops. 2gal is prob all the bigger you will need. DO NOT top or fim a auto. You really dont want to stress them sinse there life cycles so short. I wouldnt lst it either but thats just my opinion. Let them grow natural. I got just under 2oz from my autos under a 600w hps on a 12/12 light cycle. Yes I know they need a 18/6, but I had beans laying around and space in my flower tent not being used. I bet if I left them on 18/6 I would of pulled another half oz of the pair.


Well-Known Member
Its a auto so id leave it on 18/6 its whole life. It will start to flower on its own. Also not all sunblaze systems are 8 bulb. They range from 2ft single bulbs to 4ft 8bulbs.

Id say grow in soil its more forgiving and extremely easy. With autos you want to go light on the nutes. I just finished 2 green-o-matic autos and only fed them 3 times in there life cycle. I had no yellowing leafs from def either. That was a soil grow (straight promix).

If your choices were floro or led id lean towards the floros. You can find t5ho systems for fairly cheap check cl even. Just use 6500k bulbs until you see buds forming then switch to 3000k. If budgets tight you can use 6500k for the whole grow, its just not ideal. Led lights can be spendy and theres too many cheap units. Def do your research on a specific led if your thinking about buying one.

5gal pots are a little overkill for a auto. I grew mine out in 3.4gal airpots and it didnt use all the soil space. I would start them out in a 16oz plastic cup them transplant to a 2 or 3 gallon pot tops. 2gal is prob all the bigger you will need. DO NOT top or fim a auto. You really dont want to stress them sinse there life cycles so short. I wouldnt lst it either but thats just my opinion. Let them grow natural. I got just under 2oz from my autos under a 600w hps on a 12/12 light cycle. Yes I know they need a 18/6, but I had beans laying around and space in my flower tent not being used. I bet if I left them on 18/6 I would of pulled another half oz of the pair.
SPARKAGE here ok here i go with the questions get ready :)
i found a 65 watt cfl plant bulb/super grow on ebay for $22.00 dollars dose this sound O.K.- growing in a closet single door 3.5 feet by 2 feet remember.
For the dirt to grow in, im looking at walmart web site
Thinking of getting either miracle-gro,or scotts do i need top soil or potting soil or potting mix. they have some that sound good to me here is some info i found.

1. miracle-gro-potting mix contains all the necessary ingredients container plants need to thrive feed up to six months i know i won't need to grow my plant that long !!!!!!!

2. miracle-gro orgnic choice potting mix for container vegetables,fruits,flowers,and herbs MADE from natural and organic ingredients.

3.scotts premium top soil features a premium blend of organic materials plus peat moss consistent textuer
?????????? potting soil - potting mix - top soil - garding soil, which of the 4 would you use if any ????

Ive always used scotts turf builder feralizer for my lawn and have always been happy with the resoults sorry not spelled right.
should i look at potting soil with moisture control

For the timer i will buy the titan controls apollo 9 found one on ebay for $23.00 bucks

for the container i know a five gallon pail is bigger then i need but got one sitting around also it is black which i heard is what i need.


I hope when all is said and done i get some smoke that i am really proud of like the buds in thease books

i have been looking around at the mags and on this sight but dont really see-hear much about the seed i bought, pineapple punch auto fem.

Did i get a good seed-strain payed around 14-15 dollars that was there highest priced seed plus 13.00 for shipping close to 30.00 bucks,

Bought it from wwms.com got email to confirm order and email to confirm order has been sent out for delivery. hope i get it never bought seeds before, always just planted shwag shit. onece or twice ( first time trying to grow the GOOOD SHIT NUGETS ) AGAIN THANKS FOR YOUR INPUT



Well-Known Member
sparkage here
how tall is 50-80 cm
how meny cm is there in a foot ??????????????????????????????????????????????


Well-Known Member
sparkage here
thanks for the info
cant beleave it only grows that tall, how much smoke can you get out of a 3 foot plant ???????
i supose most of the smoke comes mainly from the top. ( the main bud )
still waiteing for my seed to come got one and only one !!!!!!!!!!!! only one chance to do this right
I have growing a half a dozsen times before but not to this exstent,only swage shit before this time it's a skunk seed.!!!! lost my canection so time to do this for my self.
and only for myself !!! just need to not fuck it up when it comes to the drying stage sparkage out :-)


Well-Known Member
what no one knows............ how much smoke in a three foot plant to exspect :blsmoke:
There is no answer. Could be 7 grams, could be 5 ounces. There are just too many factors.

I always guess a pound. people like to hear that weight. lol.


Well-Known Member
sparkage here
thanks for YOUR reply, just thought if someone had grown enaugh stuff that there would be a close answere...
anyone out there ever buy any seeds from worldwide marijuana seed .com before ??????
how did it go for you if so ???????


Well-Known Member
:peace:got my pineapple punch automatic feminised seed today

new bag of miracle gro potting mix
new timer
new trubble light with 10" reflector
new 150 watt cfl grow bulb full spiral plant blaster 2700k true flower power total 750 watt output
plan on running light 18/6

dose this all sound ok/good to the pro's out there ???????????????????? any addvice is very welcomed !!!!! sparkage over an out :weed:


Well-Known Member
hoo have i been talking to ????? some fucking PIG COP FUCKERS, HOPE YOU ALL DIE PIGS !!!!!, this site is for none pigs members
LIVE AND LET LIVE what I do in my home is my biss-ness, feel sorry for anyone comeing to my door that should'nt be there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Well-Known Member
i have an automatic growing SHOULD i top or pinch off the top so it dubbles out OR should i just let it grow on its own ??????


Well-Known Member
my new pics 131.jpgmy new pics 141.jpgmy new pics 174.jpgmy new pics 180.jpgmy new pics 179.jpgmy new pics 181.jpghey ganja smoker thanks for the reply buy the way NICE PICSHURE NEED A SHAVE :) :)
I was going to just let it grow on its own..... and maybe buy another pineapple punch auto and grow that one and try toping that one just te see what happens ????

do my own little x spare a ment sorry for the shity spelling do you have any other thoughts im growing in my closet with a 150 watt cfl grow bulb full spiral plant blaster 2700k,,,750 watt output equivalent...
i have my plant in a five gallon pail painted black on the outside so no light hits the roots
i also put in the middle of the pail/dirt a pile of rocks and in the middle of them i have an air stone hooked to a 20 gallon aquarium pump i saw and read that the roots like air.. should i give it air 24/7 or maybe just when the lights are on ????
running light 18 on 6 off plant is in miracle-gro potting mix with 6 month feed it also says with micromax nutrients for heavy,vigorous plants
my plant is going on 3 weeks now and it is growing super great but i do notice the edges of some of the leaves curling up just a little but all of the rest of the plant looks great
got the light about 6 inches away from the plant with fans running while lights are on fans go off with the lights,,,both on same timer
the plant already has SEVEN LEAFER'S ON IT, giving it straight water only. out of 2 liter pop bottle, once a week 2 liters that have been sitting around for a couple of weeks i am ageing the water atleast 2 weeks before i use it, my water comes out of my own well not city water :weed:


Well-Known Member
it says that 430 pepole have viewed this thread
BUT know one has anything to say about my grow hmmmmm something dosent smell right in denmark !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????

is everyone out there cops or what !!!!!!!!! ?????????????:finger::finger::finger::sleep:


30cm is one foot my brother , one inch have 2.5 cm i know i'm a construction worker lol
"sparkage' brother from what i am reading ur beans r AUTO wright , i didnt personally grow auto seeds for some reason i'm not convinced about them but , u was asking about light cycle , 18/6 for Veg and 12/12 Flower is for normal strains , Auto strains on it other hand r quite different no matter how much light u put on them , they will finish at the time what they meant to finish , i heard of ppl that put Autos under 20+ hours daily to get the best results but that's little extreme for me , but what i know wright lol