Just Super cropped my critical plus......./ White Widow tops curling

So yesterday i decided to top 3 of my plants which are about 4 weeks old looking very good strong and healthy, running 600w hps with ff soil and ff nutes. My question is how long will it take to heal and form a knuckle where i broke it? Also there are some very small tears in the plant where i bent it at as well is this ok ive seen mixed reviews the sprouts are all facing up 5 of em that were on the bottom looking real good, just worried about the actual bend point is there a point where its to far and the plant wont recover? id say its about 75% bent and 25% sort of a small rip and tear no longer then an 8th of an inch any ideas will try and get pic. Here is a few pics of an udate of my plants hate the hps lights gotta catch em right when they come on got like 3 minutes of no lines......
ww leaves.png
any ideas of y plant leaves on only white widow are curling up minumul only at top tried to show where




Well-Known Member
way too hot, curling up is there only way of letting you know. Takes about 1 week for the nuckle to form, another 5 days before trying to move that branch is very tough to do.



Active Member
Its hard to say, i cant really say from the pic.. For some reassurance just prop it up with a stick.. Or a peice of wood.. Just to give it some support, so it can heal itself quicker