Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling


I posted a new thread here because i realized I was in the wrong one with my other post. so i will repost the pics and my problem. I figured the cola thing out.

well this is just some decent bagseed but it was looking really good until i put it in flower. i gave it its first nutes at 1/4 strength and it jumpstarted it. a very nice spurt from it over like 3 days. i topped it and once the two preflowers matured a little i put it into flower mode. Now its droopy but still green as you can see from the pics. Theres some yellow spots that i dont understand. i do spray the plant when i water it to imitate rain so maybe the water drops are magnifying and burning the leaves? they are also curling.

oh by the way sorry I am a little high but im trying to give you guys as much info as possible also. I really want this one to work because if it doesnt i cant start again for a while as I am moving in a few months.

ok I will start from the beginning.

this seed was germinated in a cup of pure water until the taproot emerged. i planted it in a soilless mix with perlite. its in a wide but shallow pot as you can see from the pics. it was planted apr 7 and sprouted on the 10. on the 13 it was forming the second tier and on the 15 it was widening out. on the 19 the first preflower started forming on the top. on the 26 i noticed that the stem was getting very thick and it was on its 4th tier. on the 29 it had 5 tiers and was still widening so i took that as a good sign of root growth.

May first i topped the first formed preflower and started the nutes. i then noticed preflowers forming all over the stem. the two tops started forming on the 4. on the 9th i noticed some wilting and flushed it. i was gone until the 11 but when i came back it looked amazing. that was the spurt i saw. i put in flowermode on the 12 and since it looks like the pics.

any help is greatly appreciated as im desperate for this to work. its a cheap setup and im not a big spender but ill do whats necessary. please help guys im freaking out. andd thanks in advance
first off you cfls are too far away. secondly you have a nute burn. generally if you see that at the bottom leaves it's more than likely related to nutes. soil looks great though with plenty of perlite :) flush the plants and that may correct problems. it wont reverse damage already done but will help new growth. to flush you wanna do X2 of the pot size e.g if you have a 3 gallon pot flush with 6 gallons of water. Happy Harvesting


thanks. i did flush them on the 9th and the drainage was good. should i maybe do it again? the soil is dry enough for another watering. and by too far away do you mean too high or too far out? also id like to mention that i only fed it a quarter of the recomended amount of nutes. thanks for the quick reply though djcottonsocks. after this grow and we move I am thinking of getting some nirvana seeds and growing outdoors in a greenhouse. any advice on how to safely get seeds into the US would be helpful.
lol safely gettin seeds here is iffy. and by too far i mean with cfl you can go 2 inches above without burning. i've got 21 babes under 2 duel 4' floro tubes and some are actually touching the light with no probs. is your soil brand new? like you went and purchased nice soil for this new grow? if so nutes arent really needed too much at all. if the babes look good i wouldnt flush again. just add water. growin outdoors in the u.s is not the greatest thing either in my opinion. in my area the most light we'll see in a day is 14h45m and thats only 2 days too. and what was the NPK on the nutes as well?


ok i will move them closer and repost pics. yes it was brand new peat moss. its miss bonnies tomatoe nutrients from home depot. also the outdoor was morea of a fantasy. i think if i do it ill be indoors again. i just want to grow some dank instead of this bag seed
lol i know the feeling. thats why i have a stock pile of amazing seeds ive collected over the years of some pretty damn good bag seed. keepin them in low humidity and cool and dark area makes em good for years(the seeds). this site has banks that'll ship to the US and you would prob get em too if you can access the site. you just gotta watch the NPK value. i use no nutes for veg and bloom boost with a 15-30-15 npk when i flower. and i always use fresh soil from miracle grow that i add perlite to.


ive always heard to stay away from miracle gro. i also cant take pics, my baby is sleeping right now. once the lights on ill post them up
i've heard that too, but never had bad luck with it. i also heard not to grow with halogen but i've had massive success with a 500w halogen. biggest thing is the heat, thats why i think people are scared of it. the color spectrum they give off is superb not the best but still good. its all about experimenting really. growing isnt hard at all and most nutrients are just nutrients, just a different name on the package. you gotta have Ph balanced water for the plant to be able to absorb all the nutrients correctly. thats all plants. its simple botany it really is. rain water is usually the correct Ph you want and its easy to aquire :)


i really appreciate the help dj. i hope youll stick around to see how my plant turns out. also did you see the bulge i was referring to? its in the last pic on the pit between the main stem and the branches


heres what it looks like today.:wall: basically the same but more leaves look droopy. still very green. flushing after i post. are there any signs of the sex yet?

tested the water runoff and ph is 6.8 good or bad? the ph in the soil with the plant is 6.3



I have a book called buds for less and it say's a soil ph balance at 6.3 is ideal. when it comes to growing in soil you don't want to go above 7.0 when it come to hydro ponics you can go a little lower like 5.9 to 6.3 but soil ph 6.0 to 6.5 no higher than 7.0


sweet thank you.

can i get some advice on what to do with my plant? proper pruning and things like that. do the lights look close enough. i measured and theyrre 2 inches away. ive been watching them all day and nothing has changed yet. Im just thankful theyre still green.
your lights look great now :) when it comes to the Ph of the water you wanna check it BEFORE you apply it to the plant, not just the run off. soil does decrease the PH level to make it neutral. the earth's soil is a natural filter for water. about the bulge, i dont see anythin to be concerned about. with the pruning i personally recomend NOT doing it unless size is an issue. the plant will use every bit of the leaves to gather light if it can. with the sex its not showing yet. a female will have these very noticable little hair lookin things (pistole or however you spell it, im kinda high right now)female.jpg sorry for the crappy pic i hope you can see what im talkin about. this is the first day it shows sex and what it'd look like.


thank you cotton. yea i know how to tell sex, and thank you for that pic. but ive never seen the bulge like that before. haha today is only the second day of flowering, im just so excited, i dont care if it was called mids by the dealer, this shit is hairy and beautiul, yet treated poorly and mispackaged. i think it was a hermie or a pollinated male or a feild of them. anyway i think this is dank that went wrong but the farmer decided to grow it out and do what he could, but everyone else trreated it like dirtweed. no sir, its got crystals and bright orange and red hairs, i even saw some purple tints in some leaves. come on now, purple mids??? i dont thinks so. i have alot of seeds from it so if this turns out male...ill wait until i move and just grow a few out and then sex them. hopefully ill get one there. maybe ill start a journal. damn im high, i made some cannabutter from an ounce of stems weve been saving up and whew im feeling NICE. that and the bong swats and the GB hits. and thats all i got for now but ill be seeing you guys later. i really appreciate the help. i feel like your heere in my closet with me hahahahahahaha
oh yea most definately looking better. see how your babe is enjoying the light now? and now i can see that lil bulge you were talking about now more clear. its just part of the plant. and i see that one leaf has uncurled which is good. are you on height restrictions? i ask because i would recommend considering a cheaper HID light, you dont need much with a single grow


i dont have a height restriction, just a time one. need to have at least the light off by july. money is also an issue which is why i went with the compacts


ok so im pretty sure its a hermie or a full fledged male. ill post pics asap. just wondering if i can water with carbonated water? someone told me sprite but i disregarded it then started thinking that maybe club soda or something will work. any suggestions/.