Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
yeah thats fuckery in the first degree

shit can neva be replaced

sum just here to brag an to show off

sum here documenting, makin logs, assisting, and other constructive reasons

there should be a special world for creeps like the bizarrow world where all is fucked up
an they cant fuck things up any more

sum where the fuk away from me

man sumtimes its hard it seems the dark side is winning
but i will continue to fight


Well-Known Member
Eyup D hows it goin bro? fuckin hackers suck dick, lost some good info an pics off a old user who post at mine, did i miss much over here? geeks wanna get a life,

take it easy mate!


Well-Known Member
yeah the lifeless mauhfukas

i guess its time for me to dry my eyes an start on wit life

part tat gets to me is they do shit like this for no rewards but for bragging rights -i bought down RIU

an they are the kind that their little sistes kicks there asses cause day sum punk assed little harry potter lookin creeps

they dont fit no girls no life no weed just fukn human wast material -should take up porn an jerkin off instad of fuckin up shit -little fuken creeps

in a few ill be done called enough names and ill be able to move on but for now - fuk dem little lifless mauhfukas -day mama should have practice birth cntroll
or thay sorry daddy should have just squirted what was supposed to be them up against the wall -an did the world a favor - mauhfukas like dat are not gona do the world any good


Well-Known Member

at this point we are free to think whut ever we want
i think it was hackers

you think it was leo

read up here ----https://www.rollitup.org/support/513110-loss-data.html


Well-Known Member
this is a fresh start after attack on RIU
and lost a month of notes oh well shit happens

in the beginning -LOL

last sunday i soaked 5 seeds all sativas
in the cd case i have been doing this for like three starts now
i use a few layrs of paper towelenought to support the seed when box is standing on edge
i soak overnight lots of water case on its side -the next day i poor off water leave enough to be quite wet
and i stand the cas on its edge so gravity can direct the tap
the first time i tried i laid flat tap grew in circle no good

by thursday i had three plants going and two had not slit by then so i took out my drimmel tool

went to work on them til i saw sum white put back into setup
still have a few days to show me sumtin or get trashed
View attachment 2075434View attachment 2075444

in my little closet pictured above above
left to right
1-destroyer .........cannabiogen
2-acapulco gold ...barn farm
3-red dragon........barn farm
4-sup lem hz .......grn hse sds
5-tngrn drm.........barn farm

in my little tent
View attachment 2075453 sum good smoke -one little branch left on my ghost rider -two weeks to go for a few seeds

View attachment 2075454View attachment 2075455 tahoe og at time of the january special pre louie

View attachment 2075457View attachment 2075456 peyote purple

View attachment 2075459View attachment 2075458 fire og

everything in tent now dusted wit tahoe pre all the hype i had left them alone after one hermed to hell on me in week 2 or 3
then the hype got me interested again

succesful grows to all


Well-Known Member
collected about 25 seeds from the ghost ryder x tahoe =gho hoe or ghost hoe
im expecting to see at least that number from each plant
and thats fine by me -just less for me to give away LOL
a few baige ones not sure on
i have heard they have lower germ rate i have always tossed them

25 seeds more then enough for me
no more shooting for hundreds at a time
no longer trying to feed the world
i just dont want my family to get hungry


Well-Known Member
collected about 25 seeds from the ghost ryder x tahoe =gho hoe or ghost hoe
im expecting to see at least that number from each plant
and thats fine by me -just less for me to give away LOL
a few baige ones not sure on
i have heard they have lower germ rate i have always tossed them

25 seeds more then enough for me
no more shooting for hundreds at a time
no longer trying to feed the world
i just dont want my family to get hungry
More than enough for a guy like you D.

Glad the pollen took this round. Maybe last time it just wasnt meant to be. That is the way I see it.

I ended up with a few beans myself from the final showdown at the OK corral

Skunkijuana x Gorilla Grape

and Purple Le Pew x Gorilla Grape


Well-Known Member
that purple le pew x gorilla grape sounds interesting

this should be an interesting group

whut i was doin was collecting male balls not waitinfor them to dry good
run my finger over them in a sift collecting light yellow green plant ant pollen mix

i had did this a cheap dirty way and it worked before
also i was draggin the brush lodad of pollen on pistils
like i was painting the house -killin em
i see the err of my was and have been forgiven by the
seed god and feary and im to be blessed in small numbers from here going forward

i been sharing pollen wit jerry a good man makin sum good crosses check him out https://www.rollitup.org/members/jerry-garcia-114024.html
i only use a little leaves sum to share and get a few beans to share
i used buda tahoe pre hype this go
karmas biker kush next batch on the sativas
im hearn lota good stuff on the biker

hope all ia going good for you and your hurdles are few and low
hope all is good for you and yours -his grace and good karma ova yo family

stay true

n empty yo PM box