Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member

Hey dweeze just popped the buddha louies .. im not sure what imma get ...
But im lookin for a more og kinda appeal.. dont know louie tobe too fruity..
Im sure theres gonna be some crazy phenos.. and thats what i like..

Wifi an sour tahoe pic



Well-Known Member
Alright bro ..
Sorry i get a bit too high in the mournings ... ya know...

Thatd be nice ... ill let u know when theyre frosting up..


Well-Known Member
aye on pistil recovery plants are recovering as well
to end up fair me be thinkin

i had crums left for repollen- for the last the destroyer
i have a big heart (funny caus i got an enlarged heart in real life) and give when asked
an if i like yo style you dont have to ask ill ask you
but story goes a bud needed sum pol and hit me up i slit il down the middle
he told me he got done whut he needed to do

kinda left me tight but shit happens an i luv to help sum peeps
sum id through a cinder block for a lifesaver if they were drownin

anyway i hit all dem lightly may be a thin hall very light in da azz
but nune da less a few an dat will be good enough for me

my thing rolls like dis smoke good hit me hard an leave behind sum beans to cook later when i want to revist
my revist times is cumin up very soon

life is good
dis hobby is good

good karma to all
best of all to all

I an I
Its always good to help others, there will be more down the line...that my friend is how good karma comes your way and it will!!!

Have a great weekend its Memorial Day Weekend!!!




Well-Known Member
THE DEVILS DID!!!! They are going to the Cup finals to play LA. The City of Angels will be getting a visit from the Devils. How ironic.

I dont think MJ can even dribble a bball


Well-Known Member
good against evil

how ironic angels vs devils

oh well this time im on the other side
not a fan but gotta go wit devils



Well-Known Member
good against evil

how ironic angels vs devils

oh well this time im on the other side
not a fan but gotta go wit devils

They need the Cup back in the Garden State!!!!

Got any plans for the holiday weekend?? Be safe and enjoy it!
Is that the Love Boat theme song???? I know that had to be a theme song for some 70's show, just cant pin point which one.


Well-Known Member
might have been one of dem i just like barry's orchestrations

no plans here just pto stay fkd up for da duration

i ordered my self a monster sony nex5n to celebrate

im workin on becks and vodka in between bowls
startin to think of flight and pet arrangments for sons grsdution
in texas this september finishes flight training and gets assigned
so im gona be there for him thinkin on that in between yard work an puter breaks

best of all
to all

I an I



Well-Known Member
yeah my one boy makes da old man proud - nutin like me
smart-engineering degree from one of the best engineering schools around
confident-travels around countrys wit a back pack
musician - won a trip to denmark in high school playing jazz -performed at this big place called NJ pack -as young man used to go to thes jazz clubs an jam wit old timers -they would be yellin gon yung blood - i luv jazz an he bought me a lot of fund memories -got lot of movies

ill tell you lfe is good boyiee



Well-Known Member
Yep it is good and we are lucky to be able to live! Good for you, your son and family. I did 20 years in the military and it was good to me and my family. Cant beat their benefits!!